Update 5.2.02 Patch Notes

Often known issues are wrapped up in huge Patch Notes.

The Precise is pretty serious so they need to fix it fast. As they did with Guaranteed Cosmetic Crates, switch alt.


Who is going to appeared in vip create and guild war

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Maximus and Pegasus are both horses which is their only correlation.

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Ok that second friendship still don’t make any sense

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Now we’re just gonna have to wait another week to see Pegasus in the game


Builds up the roster, but do we really need this one on there?

I most sincerely hope this means we’ll be getting Shadow, Chance, and Sassy in the future.


Yeah, I might be a bit nitpicky about those 2 bugs I’ve mentioned. They were more of a minor issue than others, visual issues.

As my birthday is coming up, l hope the next hero will be very special

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Happy bday!
And yeah, hopefully Pegasus would be awesome.


My birthday is on the 25th of August and l’m talking about another new hero (but Pegasus is an interesting choice too)

Ah, well then advanced happy day! And yeah, whoever Hero is, we’ll be waiting.

When is Pegasus starting in next prize wall

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What do you mean, it’s a good Dumbo reference. I mean nothing by it.

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Ehhh, no.

Yeah, just like 10 other heroes, not unique. They are all labelled as wildcards.

All of them (excluding Jake Long) needs refresh too.


At this rate, sure. Especially with more and more refreshed heroes, pushing them back.

Meilin too. All of them, all.
That’s the truth.

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That’s pretty much they’re only similarity I don’t know what else to tell you.

I know about bugs for Powerline and Sarah, but what’s bugged with Merlin?

At least one of those is still frequently useful, actually… :eyes:

He’s coming in just about two weeks; until recently, that’s how far ahead of time PerBlue normally announced the new Prize Wall hero. :man_shrugging:

It’s a bug. Do you think it’s fair for people who worked on heroes that could use Precise to counter Abu, only for that Precise to be rendered pointless by a bug?

Assuming nothing else breaks, Abu should still be very strong and very useful; there will just be 3-4 more heroes available to counter him.


Really cool work man

Yeah, that’s my issue. It basically makes it unfair to even allow him to be used in defenses since because you don’t have as many options to deal with him since he’s completely broken in terms of function and it then makes him too overpowered since his main counter(s) simply doesn’t work. Abu can stay the way that he is in terms of his abilities, but Precise not working just make him way too ridiculous to deal with since he basically goes perma-invisible at a certain point. Abu being strong because of a bug and it being considered a “nerf” is a bit ridiculous, it HAS to happen.

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That’s not how its usually done. Stop acting as if you are the only one who knows every everything. They usually dont do it while a hero is still on prize wall they do it right after but anyways> Blockquote

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