Update 5.6 Patch Notes

I thought this is guild check-in


Im happy but why only the image?, Im waiting 4 friendships and skills info.

I made my idea in the past. I dont mind if Eda is total original and different about my concept. So if a friendship have a empty spot could be 4 a future character too, awesome if PerBlue wants add other TOW Hero!

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There can never be more than enough character from both Disney and Pixar.


Me Too Mate
I’m Crossing My Fingers For Lumity


Luz and Amity will come very soon hopefully

  1. There is only 2 friendships for each hero

They are working very hard on her skill set, so we should wait for a while.


I’m out!!!

Well this stinks. We spend all these resources on upgrading these toons from obsolescence, using stamina, gold, badges, and patch essence, solely because they contain these abilities… and once they are upgraded you then decide to take them away?!?!

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Honestly, I’m kind of sick and tired of the complainers in this game ruining the experience for everyone else. If anything new is introduced that is even remotely challenging, rather than figure out a clever solution, they come complaining to the forums for nerfs or for removal… like that is the only possible solution for their “problem.”

Good players found clever ways to win when Sally was super strong after her refresh. Poor players cried on the forums or in game chat loudly and long enough until they eventually got their way and a nerf was released. And Sally was not even close to the first time this has happened, just the most recent example.

A better solution could be out there - one that doesn’t completely remove these abilities from these toons. This way they can stay as viable assets in PvP, but also make it so progress can be made when facing them in PvM modes. Maybe simply maxing their patch abilities at lvl 15 for those game modes, or something along those lines.

But just reassigning the whole 4th ability all together feels like a bait and switch. Especially when it comes down to significantly altering how a toon performs. Many competitive players have already invested lots of resources into these toons recently, just for the purpose of gaining these unique abilities. :angry:


That’s really cool that someone unusual joins in. I’m going to be real: I’m well aware that The Owl House has a huge following, and I’ll admit that the animation, the designs and more look pretty good. However, since I’m not really a T.V. series person (at least nowadays) I personally never watched a single episode (at least by myself). Plus when it comes to Disney in general, I’m mostly into Disney Animation, Pixar, and The Muppets. However, there are some Disney T.V. series I watch sometimes such as Phineas & Ferb, and Rescue Rangers (on Disney +).

Okay, enough of that, moving on to improvements: Man it’s been so long since we got a franchise collection, and Mulan sounds like a nice choice, and I’ll wait for more that haven’t gotten it yet.
One of the bug fixes is probably the latter that I’m noticing, especially when I increase the skill set for some certain characters.

Not really much to say else, so this is pretty cool overall.:maple_leaf:


You didn’t want any bonus 3* rewards either?

There was no effective solution. Offering bonus 3* rewards and then preventing us from getting them isn’t defensible from any angle.

I’d also have preferred them to just change how the patch talent performed slightly, but I get that takes longer. I’m pretty sure that is their plan long term.

Unassigning Pooh & FGM from the PVE hero pool was apparently not as straightforward as it sounds, which is unfortunate as that would also have been a better solution.

Also this talent definitely didn’t make or break these heroes in PVP - FGM has always been decent without it, and Pooh has always been pretty bad even with it. Upgrading them is your choice :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll be ready for Ms. Eda!! :smiley:

Oof, it’s just like when Coco Pommel was renamed to Ms. Pommel, due to licensing issues. :frowning:

You know what, whatever! I’m still calling “Mrs. Incredible”, ELASTIGIRL, and no one can make me change my mind!!!


Alright thoughts:

At face value I am very happy about this. However I also am upset at how quickly, or perhaps early, we are getting hero announcements lately. It ruins (to me) some of the fun. Now I know that the next character after Eda isn’t coming until December 7th. How early will that character be announced? Eda was technically confirmed 16 Days before her release. Only 5 days after Dante released. Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but I like it better when the next hero is announced later in the prize wall.

I am very happy to see new collections rolling out. Hope Mulan isn’t the only one we get soon.

This sounds good but I’ll reserve my judgment until I see it in action.

Now this one, I am super happy about. We’ve needed this for a while.

Patch Re-assignments are good to see.

This is also good.

Would love to see this fixed on the trials difficulty select screen.


Well that’s good.

I think this is interesting. Odd. Second major change to a pre existing hero.


This does remind me, their are a lot of cosmetics missing from Cosmetics Collections like the various event borders.

Anyway, i think this is a great Patch. Lots of really good improvements.


I don’t even know why Disney requested it. Elastigirl and Mrs.Incredible are pretty much synonyms, but in both films she has been called Elastigirl more than Mrs.Incredible (afaik only Mirage call her like that?)

And it brought together a thing where all disks with Elastigirl were changed from “El” to “Mr”.
I think people would agree that Mr.Incredible (El) or Shank (El) had a better sound than Mr.Incredible (Mr) and Shank (Mr). Especially the first is really odd.


Yeah, I think just moments before she gets SUCKER-PUNCHED by Helen! XD

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Where did you get that info? :confused:

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November 16th + 3 weeks.

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Hmm, interesting…
Also, I’m talking about the next Hero after Eda.

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Yes, Eda is in Prize Wall starting November 16th. And the Prize Wall after that starts 3 weeks later… so that´s why Wave9Nut said December 7th.


Not sure but I agree about the copyright issue.

Additional information: Elastigirl’s name was also changed to Mrs. Incredible in Disney Emoji Blitz

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