4.2 Known Issues

Isn’t this a bit misaligned. Compare with stamina.

Also I got this weird version of game until switching to another screen just after locking my phone screen and unlocking it.

(On an alt)

Any chance this could be permanent, the bigger text? Here a normal screen for comparison.

Thing is, though, if that’s the case, then I would be getting spammed with this garbage, but in over 100+ Badge Crates from the Trial Event, only these 2 have been aberrant.

Well then you only have very little not crafted and not equipped.

I have 96 empty badge slots. None of these crates should be popping out badges without an actual immediate home.

Equal chance to drop any badge. Count all the badges that could be equipped for next rank of heroes. So somewhere between 98+ somewhere between 0 and 168 x 6.

98 in about 1k would be 10% chance so lol? It even states what I say.

I had a discussion on here a while ago after getting similar ‘odd badges’ dropping, and apparently the in-game text is actually incorrect and you can get equipped badges no matter what - despite it happening very, very infrequently :man_shrugging:

That was the only time in all the badge crates I’ve opened that I’ve ever got an odd badge while having 10+ empty, eligible slots open

This is preferable for every hero, Zelkiiro.
5 badges equipped, 6th either gotten from Badge Crate or crafted… well that Y14 badge is worth about 140k+ stamina so lol.

Important part: If not enough badges are equipable, you can get badges for when your heroes level up = promotion = next rank

That’s the trick and reason I stopped equipping 6 badges as shown above. It actually doesn’t give the 6th badge unless you need a real lot of them for many many heroes.

Actually, it looks like the relevant part is the “cannot give out the most recent rarity of badges” part, as all my relevant heroes are at Y6-Y7 on S21. Hrm…

Has anyone been having an issue with the game after the update?
The game keeps crashing on me while i try to switch my acounts on different servers

That as well… and if you got some before cap raise. Those should go first if I am right but I may be as well wrong there.

That only applies to the last released badges. A hero at max rank can still get 3 of their badges, the ones that were released before

Well yes but if Zelkiiro has 4 badges on Y6 heroes (missing the ones actually introduced there) and 3-4 badges on Y7 heroes, it’s obvious why the badge crates give… trash.

None could be equipped thus it went for the failsave chance.

After the fix, dots in the market are even more broken than they were before :man_shrugging:

I have many thousands of these dotted bits/badges.
Issue is also present in the other market types.

On the plus side, the game is running NOTICEABLY faster with less lag. Can’t we have both :sob:


If more pink dots is the price to pay for the reduced lag, I say pepper every screen with pink dots; my mild OCD will just have to adjust.

@Nugget could the perk in VIP level 7 be removed? There’s literally “Remove Codebase Cooldown” (amongst the others) at the top, so “Reduced” Cooldown mention is meaningless.

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@Nugget Could the team look into what happend with enemy Davy Jones in Surge? He became untargetable…

I didn’t know how I could screen-video it right away, but I have a few consequential screenshots:

Davey Jones has an ability called “Dead Man’s Chest”. While active, his HP will not fall below 1 HP. Additionally, any cursed enemies deal 85% less damage while this ability is active. This appears to be what’s happening based on the icons over Zeus and Davey Jones

Zeus clenased all of his debuffs in first screenshot.

And there isn’t even his chest.
Also, none of his skills make him, untargetable, berserk doesn’t work like that.

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I know those abilities, but the thing is that my heroes stopped doing their skills and their basic attacks (except if those skills would buff themselves like Zeus blue skill).

Anyway, if it happens more often, to others also, I hope it gets reported again and hopefully then you might be able to do something about it.

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