Atta & The Queen Concept (#237)

Atta & The Queen


The Queen & Aphid

Description: Upcoming queen of the colony, Princess Atta is a leader by nature, but is also a perfectionist and worries for the food supplies for the grasshoppers. And while she does have her mother and her pet lap aphid by her side, she still stresses a huge amount, which is only doubled in a new set of land for the ant colony. But even a new coat of grass and dirt won’t be enough to damper the upcoming monarchy’s spirit.

Quote: "It’s going to take everyone’s involvement to make this plan a reality.”

Role: Support
Position: Front
Team: Red


Basic Attack:
-Passive: Instead of attacking, Aphid will rush to the most wanted enemy and mark them. That marked enemy will lose X HP per second and will have it transferred over to Atta and The Queen. After the use of Aphid Dig, a new enemy will be marked.

Entrance: Atta will walk into the arena fretting as the Queen will pet Aphid.

Victory: The Queen will hold Aphid and raise her in the air.

Defeat: Atta and the Queen will gasp in shock as Aphid will cower.


White Skill:
“I’M LOST!!”
A leaf will fall into the middle of the enemyline, knocking back the furthest midline enemy and all backline enemies as well as blocking their ability to attack the allying with basic attacks or skills for 8 seconds. When the leaf is removed, the enemies will become confused for 6 seconds.

Green Skill:
“Aphid Dig”
A group of ants will come out from a hole under the enemy that Aphid has marked, dealing X damage to them as well as piercing and studying them for 9 seconds. After using this skill, Aphid will mark the next enemy with his passive and the skill will become active again after 10 seconds.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Blue Skill:
“Strategic Measures”
Atta will take the time to strategize with her allies the next plan of action. Every enemy will be studied for 9 seconds, and Atta and her allies will heal for X HP as well as become precise and berserk for 8 seconds.

Purple Skill:
“Colony Building”
Atta, The Queen and their allies will heal for X HP whenever they damage a studied enemy, and will also become immune to all studies for 6 seconds.

Red Skill:
“Mountain out of an Anthill”
When Atta, The Queen and their allies heal from any source, they will also gain a 50% increase in their evasion and tenacity for 7 seconds. Also, everytime an ally uses their red skill, they will be given a stack of hardy.

  • +X Damage from Aphid Dig
  • +X Healing
  • +X Reality

Lady Olivia & General Yunan

Disk Name: “Princess Tutelage"
Disk Effect: Increased Damage to Red Team Enemies
Other Effects:

  1. For the first 15 seconds of each wave, Atta, the Queen and their allies will deal 10% more damage to all red team enemies and will decrease their healing by 40%. (+10% more damage per star level)
  2. +X Basic Damage to Atta, the Queen and their Allies
  3. +X Max HP

Campaign: (Another day in the city, another day to stress about the livelihood for the ant colony for Atta to worry about. Fortunately, Atta may get some pointers and tips from a new friend of theirs. Thought to be small, colored, talkative Barbariants at first, Lady Olivia relates a whole lot to the Queen and advises Atta on how to better deal with her colony. With her assistance, Atta seems to become more noble and confident in herself than she would have ever thought when she first started out as a princess.)
Allies: Julieta & Agustin Madrigal, Della Duck, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit


Disk Name: “The Ants Keep the Food"
Disk Effect: Precise after Confuses
Other Effects:

  1. When Atta & the Queen confuse an enemy, they will grant themselves as well as their allies precise for 9 seconds and increase their basic damage by X.
  2. +X Basic Damage for all Allies
  3. +X Skill Power for all Allies

Campaign: (It’s time for daily food stockpiles to check and Atta and Dot have to keep watch for any grasshopper that comes by and steals them. Even in this new city, Flik is still the same good-hearted yet clumsy ant as he accidentally knocks over the food pile. Fortunately none of the food gets wasted, but Atta is still a lot worried. Hopper does eventually come by to grab his portions, but Dot of all ants rallies with Atta, Flix and the rest of the colony to drive him off. After all, as a wise queen once said, the ants pick the food, the ants keep the food, and the grasshoppers leave!)
Allies: Lady & Tramp, Marco Diaz, Jenny & Georgette


Genuinely laughing so hard at this skill, it’s perfect. Excellent concept as always!


Had to reference this part lol. It fits so well with the ant colony being a part of Atta/Queen’s moveset.


Great concept :+1: also I agree with JimiestOfJams


Wow! Good concept!

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