Lady & Tramp Concept (#235)

Lady & Tramp



Description: Named for her good manners and ladylike personality, Lady was given as a Christmas present in a wealthy part of the suburbs and pampered as such. Tramp on the other hand is a stray mutt with a playboy attitude, with a rapscallion lifestyle to lead. Two clashing personalities, and yet they still found love in each other, and continue to do so even in a new and dangerous place.

Quote: {Tramp}: “Look, there’s a great big hunk of world down there, with no fence around it. Where two dogs can find adventure and excitement. And beyond those distant hills, who knows what wonderful experiences? And it’s all ours for the taking, Pige. It’s all ours.” {Lady}: “It sounds wonderful.”

Role: Support
Position: Front
Team: Yellow


Basic Attack: Tramp will bite the closest enemy, dealing X damage to them as well as steal 30% of their armor that he will use to heal himself.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Entrance: Tramp will playfully rush into the arena with Lady walking in daintily…

Victory: Lady and Tramp will crouch down and nuzzle each other’s noses in love.

Defeat: Lady will cover herself and Tramp protects her.


White Skill:
“Pasta Pucker"
A bowl of Tony’s Spaghetti will slide to Lady and Tramp, as they will eat the plate, resulting in a kiss from them, as they heal for X HP. Lady & Tramp’s allies will also be healed for X HP as well as gain a 100% crit rate for their normal damage for 7 seconds.

Green Skill:
“Rush of the Chickens"
Tramp will bark loudly, alerting a bunch of chickens to rush through the enemyline, confusing and limiting them for 9 seconds. They will also have their healing reduced by 60% for 12 seconds.

Blue Skill:
“Laidback Stretch"
Tramp will take the time to stretch, as he removes all of his debuffs, and also becomes immune to all slows and limits for 8 seconds. Lady and Tramp will also energize their allies for 10 seconds.

Purple Skill:
“He’s A Tramp"
When Lady and Tramp use Pasta Pucker, they will grant every ally a 50% increase in their healing, as well as gaining an additional 6 seconds to their currently active buffs.

Red Skill:
“Bella Notte"
Lady and Tramp will grant every ally a permanent 3% basic damage, skill power, armor, reality, evasion, tenacity and Max HP increase every time they use their basic attack. Also, when an enemy attacks Lady and Tramp when they have damage reduction active, they will lose that buff and will be dealt X true damage.

  • +X Healing from Pasta Pucker
  • +X Armor
  • +X Evasion


Disk Name: “Ruling The Roost"
Disk Effect: Limited Enemies are Pierced
Other Effects:

  1. When Lady and Tramp limit an enemy, they will also pierce them for 8 seconds and will decrease thier armor by 11%. (+11% per star level)
    • Armor lost for enemies
  2. +X Armor

Campaign: (Lady and Tramp find it curious that there are no chickens to frighten today than usual. In fact, a lot of chickens have been missing from sight. They learn from a timid green dinosaur that he accidentally let a villain steal most of the poultry dude to his own cowardice. Teaming up with him, Lady and Tramp find the main culprit behind the schemes, being an actual chicken himself!! Steelbeak plans on trying to paint gold eggs to counterfeit those unaware to notice, but is surprisingly taken out by this unlikely pair.)
Allies: Camilo Madrigal, Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, Star Butterfly

Thomas O’Malley & Duchess

Disk Name: “Opposites Attract"
Disk Effect: Rush of the Chickens Grants Invincibility
Other Effects:

  1. When Lady & Tramp use Rush of the Chickens, they will be invincible for 10 seconds, and will also heal X HP per second for 3 seconds. (+1 second per star level)
  2. +X Healing
  3. +X Max HP

Campaign: (Cats and dogs are by far the most rivaled breed of pets, but the Lady and Duchess are lovely friends with each other, and Tramp and Thomas are bosom buddies with style! One day, they decide to switch roles and positions. Tramp goes with Duchess to Madame Adelaide’s mansion and is overwhelmed by all of the luxurious antiques, yet still bonds with Duchess’s kids. Thomas heads to Lady’s house where he is bombarded by Scamp, Annete, Collette and Danielle’s playful energy!!)
Allies: Elisa Maza, Professor Exclamation, Thackery Binx


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Great concept :+1:

Just a heads up, information about datamines is not typically shared on the public side of the forums.

Aww, what a cute concept. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::relaxed::blush:

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