Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Concept (#225)

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit

Description: The one who started it all! Is what Mickey Mouse would have you believe… For eighty five years, he was kept under the rug, but now he has finally been released from the realm of obscurity! And while he may use his popular rival’s paintbrush as a weapon, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit has got his own set of tricks up his sleeves with his electric remote control, and his ability to fly!

Quote: “For years, I’ve looked at this mountain of your stuff, wondering why YOU got got all the success I deserved. For a long time I tried to make the best of it, tried to make a nice place for all the other forgotten characters - especially my sweetie, Ortensia, and our bunny children."

Role: Control
Position: Mid
Team: Red


Basic Attack:
-Passive: Instead of attacking, Oswald is immune to all projectile attacks and will dodge them by using his ears to fly up in the air. He will then gain a 40% chance to dodge all melee attacks for 6 seconds.

Entrance: Oswald will float down into the arena with his “helicopter” ears.

Victory: Oswald will pull off the top of his head, and salute the enemyline.

Defeat: Oswald will put his hands on his sides and stare at the enemyline.


White Skill:
“Helicopter Ears”
The player will choose an ally for Oswald to fly towards. He will then pick up that ally and lift them from the ground, making them immune to all damage. When he and the ally returns back to the ground, the ally will gain a 80% chance to dodge all attacks and a melee attack immunity for 7 seconds. If there are no allies left, Oswald will gain the melee attack immunity and chance to dodge for himself.

Green Skill:
“Electric Remote”
Oswald will pull out his electric remote and shock three random enemies, dealing X damage over time to them, stunning them for 8 seconds, and giving them 3 stacks of corruption. Oswald and his allies will also become immune to all stuns after using this skill for 6 seconds.
(Damage Type: Normal)

Blue Skill:
“Paintbrush Splash”
Oswald will pull out Mickey’s paintbrush, and splatter the enemyline with paint, sapping them for 8 seconds, and draining the two closest enemies for 10 seconds.

Purple Skill:
“Early Predecessor”
Reality increases by Oswald and his allies will reduce all enemies basic damage and skill power by 50% for 8 seconds. Allies will also ignore all damage reduction for 9 seconds.

Red Skill:
“Obscure Resurgence”
When Oswald or an ally is airborne, enemies will be given two stacks of fatigue and weakness, and Oswald and his chosen ally will become precise for 9 seconds. Also, Paintbrush Splash will knockback the closest enemy and snare them for 7 seconds.

  • +X Damage from Electric Remote
  • +X Reality
  • +X Armor

Berlioz, Toulouse & Marie

Disk Name: “Subjective Art”
Disk Effect: Melee Attack Immunity Lasts Longer

Other Effects:

  1. The melee attack immunity duration from Helicopter Ears for Oswald and his chosen ally will be add one more second. (+1 second per star level)
  2. +X Max HP to Oswald & his Allies
  3. +X Skill Power to Oswald’s Allies

Campaign: (Oswald is trying to paint a gorgeous portrait of his wife Ortensia, but is missing a whole lot of paint and even a canvas. He ultimately finds some paint, but a little kitten beats him to the punch. This orange kitty is also a “painter” in his own regards, and his brother and sister are also talented in their own regards. The two ultimately help each other in their artwork, and take out a few creeps alongside each other.)
Allies: Edmund Pevensie, Piglet, Heimlich

Mickey Mouse


Disk Name: “Out with the Old”
Disk Effect: Apply Decay Stacks when Enemy Shields are Destroyed

Other Effects:

  1. When an enemy’s shield is destroyed by Oswald or his allies, they will have three buffs removed and gain 1 stack of decay. (+1 stack per Star Level)
  2. +X Shield HP
  3. +X Reality

Campaign: (Seeing his long lost rival again is just the tip of the iceberg for Mickey as he and Oswald have to face off against a new type of enemy has invaded the city. Blotlings are ink monsters of all shapes and sizes, and they have been terrorizing and corrupting some of the citizens of the city. They may be even more dangerous than creeps!! It’s probably about time for the two heroes of to team up together to save the city.)
Allies: Fenton Crackshell Cabrera, Tom Lucitor, Ford Pines


Great concept :+1:


Oswald is probably my most wanted character in DH:BM now that Max Goof is in. I will be so happy if/when he is announced.


With all the popularity he has regained, it’s definitely possible. He honestly may not have the Epic Mickey moves that I based the concept around, but Perblue could be creative with how he fights lol.

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Cool that you used stuff from Epic Mickey. I also think if Oswald gets in it will be the Epic Mickey version. Seeing Mickey Mouse & Friends they can make the Epic Mickey events happen like how they did with Goofy Movie and DuckTales.

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??? I don’t remember any references in those

Love your concept my friendship was luz and oswald but the astro cats are cool too if thay were added

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Not references. Having it all work together since Donald Duck is both DuckTales and Mickey and Friends. Oswald can easily be the events of Epic Mickey did happen.

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Oooooooh so you mean a collection for epic mickey with oswald in that and mickey and friends

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To be honest that’s likely. I really wish they could put in those kinds of moves for Oswald but if you think about it, it’s probably just as likely as getting an Epic Mickey costume for Mickey Mouse. Then again, who’s to say it’s not happening?

In fact, in all the concepts I’ve seen so far, most of them have a Mickey Mouse friendship campaign, so I’m guessing that’s set, huh?

It would make more sense if you wrote thinner instead of paint.

(Edited) I think Mickey from Epic Mickey should be there and have those moves but that’s just me saying

Ok ok ok ok ok ok

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