Emerald Rarity Preview Part 2

Hello, everyone! We’re less than 1 week away from the 5.3 update and we’ve got some exciting news to share… 5.3 will contain the new Emerald Rank feature! This will allow you to create Subclasses for all of your Emerald Heroes by choosing which Level Scaling Stats you think work best for them. In preparation of this release, we wanted to give you another quick overview of how the feature works and highlight some of the changes that were made in response to the feedback you gave us a while back.

Emerald Rank introduces a new stat called Ambition

  • Once you promote a Hero to Emerald Rank, that Hero will be granted a new stat called Ambition.
  • Remember that Ambition adds Levels to a Hero when its Level would be used to determine the effectiveness of a Level Scaling Stat during combat.
  • New Behavior!!
    • Based on your previous feedback, we’ve made it so that Ambition is only active in combat between two Emerald Rank or higher Heroes.
    • This means that when a Yellow Rank or lower Hero is fighting an Emerald Hero, the effectiveness of their Level Scaling stats will not be affected by the Emerald Hero’s Ambition.

Creating Subclasses

  • Hero Subclasses are comprised of a combination of two Stat Slots.
  • Stat Slots can be filled in by selecting one of the seven Level Scaling Stats from the drop down menu.
    • Level Scaling Stats include Normal and Fantastic Crit, Crit Damage, Armor and Reality Negation, Tenacity, and Evasion.
  • When you choose a Level Scaling Stat a few things happen:
    • That Hero gains enough of that stat to overcome the Ambition given to all Emerald Heroes.
    • They also gain an amount based on their Emerald Stat Tier and Emerald Rank.
    • To add clarity on how these stats work, the tooltips on the Edit Subclass Screen will calculate the base effectiveness to expect in combat against Emerald enemies.
    • These calculations use the Hero’s total stat, taking into account the pre-combat amount gained from all sources.
  • Each Stat Selection also corresponds to an adjective.
    • These adjectives are displayed in the Stat Selection Tooltips and also get added to your Hero’s Subclass description.
    • This description can be found on the Hero Info Flyouts so you can do any last minute battle prep before committing to an important fight
  • Feel free to experiment with different stat combinations since there is no cost to changing your stat selections!

Emerald Stat Tiers and Rank Bonuses

  • Every Hero is assigned an Emerald Stat Tier, ranging from 1-5.
    • These Tier assignments may change over time as we continue to do balance changes.
  • Emerald Stat Tiers control how much of each Level Scaling Stat a Hero gains when selected.
  • Tier 1 Heroes will gain the most, while Tier 5 Heroes gain the least.
  • To keep up with increasing Team Levels, Heroes will gain a bonus to each of their selected stats based on their Emerald Rank.
    • Heroes will gain 5 of each selected stat for every Emerald Rank they have, starting with Emerald +1.
    • Keep promoting your Heroes to the highest Rank available to ensure that your Subclasses remain as effective as possible!

Balance Changes to other Progression Systems

  • Remember that our primary Goal for this feature is to improve the health of our Level Scaling Stats system.
  • We are still planning to make changes to other areas of the game that provide Level Scaling Stats to Heroes.
  • This would include areas like Hero Skills, Memory Disks, Mods, and Battle Badges.
  • Our intention with any changes we make to existing systems will be to either:
    • Keep as much of the current behavior intact as possible.
    • Improve stats for Heroes that have them at ineffective amounts.
  • Emerald will be an integral part of your Heroes moving forward but we’re striving to make sure that other systems continue to add meaningful power to your Heroes.

Well, that about wraps it up for Emerald Rank. There is one more slight improvement coming alongside the update that we think you’ll enjoy… but we’ll just leave that as a surprise. Are you as excited as we are?! Which Hero are you going to make a Subclass for first? Which Hero do you think will benefit the most from this feature? Let us know in the comments below, along with any other feedback you have. If you have more questions or feedback about the new rarity once it comes out, we’re also excited to announce that we’ll be having a Live Dev Q&A a week after its release! Keep an eye out for a definitive time as we get closer. Thanks for taking the time to read this preview and we’ll see you next week!


This looks promising.

For the rest I haven’t yet read all the details, cause for me it will be a while before I hit Emerald (cause in server 21).

Also nice to see these return!

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Doubt about it :thinking:

Oh no… :skull:

This is the 9th time, At least 4 more ranks are enough for a year (Anniversary 100th)

Good news, And I prepared about 20+ questions for this time. Hehe



:+1: :+1:

These points satisfy the 2 main concerns I had about the Emerald preview :slight_smile:

This is helpful, but…

I fear that this will not be easy for most players :scream:

As a minor point of further feedback, ‘Normal Critting’ is a really rubbish name for a subclass. Can we use more creative names that describe the effect somehow without directly using it’s name? (Tenacious & Hard Hitting are fairly decent examples) :nerd_face:

And as a further question -

Will these be determined based on how effective the hero’s secondary stats are at base level? Or some other arbitrary measure?


I don’t understand this.

Why is this giving only 50 Crit Damage, or 90 Normal Crit? This is drastically below the max. level, so these stats won’t work, or are these mechanics different from other ranks?

Also, it would be better if the secondary stats would be at full effectiveness, not just half.
And how many secondary stats can a player pick for each hero, only 2?


It’s going to take a little bit of time to process this information, but it does look promising.

I’m not sure who I’ll be doing first myself, but I suspect we’ll start out seeing a lot of players with a Normal Critting, Hard Hitting Pegasus.

I guess it’s safe to assume that you’ll be taking questions about Emerald rank at that Q&A. Will you also be answering questions about other areas of the game? And how many of those questions will be answered amidst the usual flood of “Can you add character X?” and “What’s your favorite color?” and “Who’s the next hero?” questions?

I found it kind of silly myself, but I fear it may be too late to change it before launch. However, if we can come up with a catchy name, maybe it can be swapped in before people get too used to “Normal/Fantastic Critting”…?


Cool can’t wait!!! :slightly_smiling_face::+1::green_heart:


Can you please send a link to this preview in-game to everyone’s mailbox, and same with upcoming patch notes. So everyone will know what is happening.



I wonder if that’s yellow qol or possibly something bigger


What about patch 4 essence. ? When are they released?


Also can the team please look at using badge bits that’s aren’t frequently used for new badges it’s such a. Drag having to raid purple levels just to get bits to craft yellows….
There has to be a way to make new badges that only need red badges and up?


Excited to see the new feature play out in the near future and happy it got pushed back because we don’t need very many bugs in 5.3 to have the emerald rank broken :grinning:


I’m so excited.


“level scaling”


This looks complicated but maybe we’ll hear more about it on Friday


Red skills are the ones that need most balancing. It is impossible to keep them at maximum level, elite campaign just doesn’t drop enough chips.
That needs fixing
Edit: this has become just infuriating ever since double rise caps turned into something normal. There is just no way to keep up. I have no incentives to keep trying to have my heroes at maximum if the bar is unachievable


I did receive a message in my inbox, and there is in the deals screen something reserved for Emerald. So people should see one of both!


Now, not before.

Thanks a lot @Samm! This is very helpful and hopefully all players will be now able to see the news.

Can this be done with all patch notes too?


If it’s about the cost of crafting badges. Welcome. If it’s something like Wish Crate… Better don’t release it at all.


Wish we could get a more live-ish place to discuss about this all.

Apart of this discord server…

I really wish PB would make discord server for DHBM too, or idk… promote some way the mentioned discord server. Or promote forums more.

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