How do YOU envision your "next" hero?

It’s a great show, well worth a watch.

All right i will def watch some of it over Christmas break.

Hero: Kusco
Movie: Emperor’s New Groove.

“That llama was once a human being. His name was Kusco. Emperor Kusco. That’s right! I am that llama.”

Apperance: most of the fight he is in his llama form.

Emperor Kusco uses his royal decrees to plunge the battle field into chaos with the help of his guards and a few potions.

White skill: Llama leap.

Kusco leaps forward and hits the middle enemy dealing X amount of physical damage and knocking them back and stunning them for 2 seconds.

The stun has a chance to fail against enemies above lvl Y.

Green skill: The good inside you.

Kusco pulls an ally that is in front of him out of the way from the next skill attack that would hit them and heals them for 120% of the damage the attack would have dealt.

This effect is greatly reduced for the ally if they are above lvl Y.

Blue skill: Royal guards!

Kusco summons in two royal guards one that shields him from all attacks escept true damage attacks and one that shields allies for the same.

The guards must take X amount of damage before they will leave and it is only after they leave that the cooldown is reset.

Purple skill: A llama again!!!

Llama leap not has an additional X amount of skill power and Royal guards now protect him and the ally from hexes,curses,charms, and stuns.

Entrance: Walks in as a human before turning into a llama in a puff of smoke.

Basic attack: fights from the middle lane sending forth shockwaves like Judy.

Role: Support?
Line: Middle.
Victory: Turns back into a human and starts dancing.

Defeat: Rain falls on his llama self and he lays down and starts crying.

Friendship: Simba (ruling a empire)
Team Level: 75
Color level: Purple 0
Other allies: Mike, Felix, Judy

First power: increases skill power by X

Second Power: Royal guards now reflect back 20% of all damage inflicted to them back at the enemy that sent it as true damage.

Friendship: Chief Bogo (Don’t need a human potion?)
Team level: 97
Color level: Purple 2
Other allies: Frozone, Malificient, Rex,

First power: Grants himself and the front most ally excluding himself, X skill power.

Second power: Upon the Royal Guards leaving, Heals all allies for 110% of damage dealt to guards.

Here is the concept of Simba done by @Kinokan shout out!!!


Assistant Mayor Bellwether: The soft spoken Assistant Mayor of Zootopia and backline control hero. Uses various cruel tricks to spread Fear and Panic among the enemy team.

Quote: Fear always works!

Basic Attack: Bellwether fires a Night Howler Gun at the enemy from afar.

White Skill : The Little Guys: Grants the team increased Attack Speed and a 50% Dodge Chance to all attacks for six seconds.

Green Skill: In Sheep’s Clothing: Places Fear on an enemy for four seconds.

( Fear A New status effect, causing the enemy team to think one of their teammates are feral- having them turn and attack the affected team member in panic.)

Blue Skill : Political Propaganda: Spreads lies across the enemy team causing a panic to ensure they trip up, inflicting Scared on all enemies for Ten Seconds and Blind for Three seconds.

Purple Skill: Night Howler Serum: Bellwether fires a multiple Potent Night Howler Pellets at the enemies dealing fantastic damage. Random Status effect of Fear/Scared/Charmed/Slow placed on a random enemy for five seconds.

Appearance: Bellwether in her Mayor Outfit. Alternative Costumes could have her in her prison uniform.

Entrance: Bellwether walks into battle politely, twirling her Nighthowler Gun in a feminine manner.

Victory: Bellwether smirks darkly to herself before giving an eye roll.

Defeat: Bellwether drops her gun gasping in shock as she falls backwards with a cute thud.


Yzma: A backline Support Hero, using her vast knowledge of potions for personal gain and fortune…and to aid her team.

Quote: A Llama!? He’s supposed to be dead!

Basic Attack: Yzma tosses random potions at the enemies dealing damage.

White Skill: Do It Now: Yzma tosses a potion down to the floor, a puff of red smoke Increased Attack Speed for Four Seconds

Green Skill: Elixir Of Life: Tosses a potion to the floor, a puff of pink smoke healing the team for X amount over four seconds.

Blue Skill: The New Model: Yzma trades up her team, tossing a potion to the floor. A puff of yellow smoke granting the team shields and 25% damage reduction for Six seconds.

Purple Skill: The Secret Weapon: Yzma pulls up the side of her dress reaching for a weapon, the mere sight of ancient leg flesh casting Scared on the enemy team for ten seconds and causing the enemy team to lose 250 energy.

Appearance: Yzma wears her casual purple dress. Alternative costume could be her Mad Scientist outfit.

Entrance: Secret Rollercoaster Cart Flings Yzma into the battle, she landing perfectly with a sneer.

Victory: Yzma laughs maniacally as she smashes a Kuzco Bust with a mallet.

Defeat: Drops a potion on the floor, accidentally transforming herself into a kitten with an annoyed look on her face.


Just made a new character concept. Check it out here: Character Concept: Quasimodo

Sykes: A powerful Frontline Tank, using his cruelty and intimidation to collect his due on the battlefield.

Quote: I don’t think you grasp… the severity of the situation.

Basic Attack: Using his modified pistol to deal damage.

White Skill: Double Down: Sykes summons his dogs Roscoe and DeSoto to the battlefield, Each sharing X health attacking the enemy team till defeated. When summoned draws attacks away from Sykes, one with Physical Damage the other making Fantastic Damage.

Green Skill: Three sunrises. Three sunsets: Sykes threatens the enemy team Scaring them for ten seconds, Threatened status effect lasting on the team for Five seconds.

( Threatened is a New Status Effect, Causing the affected characters to not feel at full power Shields weakening by 75%.)

Blue Skill: It’s Just Business: With a chuckle Sykes gains X Health for every enemy hero under 50% health for Six seconds, a Bonus X amount of health if a enemy is K.O’d during “ It’s Just Business”.

Purple Skill: Devil’s Due: Roscoe and DeSoto Gain X amount of shields, “ It’s Just Business” healing them for 10% health Sykes was healed for.

Appearance: Sykes wears his Dirty Form fitting black suit, with a loosened tie.

Entrance: A black Cadillac pulls into the battlefield, smoke from a cigar exiting the car as Sykes steps out fixing his suit.

Victory: Sykes inhales on his cigar deeply while laughing.

Defeat: Sykes falls to one knee with a enraged gaze, punching the ground with his fist.

Ok…these are pretty good. I like the first one but the other two seem to OP. And her basic attack, would need another skill to activate this one. Sorry.

Ty, I tweaked them

Let me know if these reworks are better.

Better! :grin: :+1:

(20 characters)

Villain: The Fates

Movie: Hercules

The Fates use their infinite knowledge of time itself, and their art of “serving” the living to cause chaos on the battlefield.

“We know everything! Past, Present, and Future!”

Appearance: The three Fates will look like the Movie remaining in a group the One eyes one will keep the eye in her eye…at first.

White skill: Fate’s string The Fates use the eyeball to target a random enemy. Then they pull their string over this and cut it with scissors. If the said enemy is inflicted X amount of damage within the next 7 seconds, they will be immediately KO’D. If they do not then nothing happens and the Fates lose 25% of their attack power for the next 15 seconds.

Green skill: Lovers of Death
Whenever a enemy is KO’D, The Fates laugh and heal for X amount and have their attack power permanently increased by 2%

(Works for each wave of a battle as well as city watch)

Blue skill: We know!
The Fates warn their allies right before an enemies white skill triggers increasing their reality by X amount until the white skill is resolved.

Purple skill: A Fate worse than death.
The first enemy to be KO’D is summoned on your side of the field using only basic attacks and having X amount of HP. If the Fates die before them or everyone else is KO 'D then this “ghost” dies too.

Basic attack: The eyeball is thrown bounces of an enemy before bouncing back?

Entrance: The three Fates appear from their eyeball much like they left in the movie.

Victory: The Fates start laughing hysterically

Defeat: The Fates start cackling before being sucked into their eyeball much like their exit in the movie.

Line: Back
Role: Support


Friendship: Hades (The Lord of the Underworld.)

Team lvl: 75
Color lvl: Blue 2

First Disk Power: X amount of Reality for the Fates.

Second Disk Power: when using Lovers of Death, The Fates also grant the Hero that KO’d the enemy a shield that takes 4,000 damage or lasts 5 seconds.

Friendship: Malieficient (Useful Minions?)

Team lvl: 79
Color lvl: Purple 1

First disk power: Grants all back line characters in combat a shield that takes X amount of damage or lasts 6 seconds.

Second disk power: A Fate worse than death Now grants the ghost immunity to stuns,charns,hexes,etc. As well as times 2 its original attack damage.

(One star increases the multiple by 1)


Love the idea. Even though their names aren’t used in the movie they are from Greecian mythology. Their names are Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Clotho starts the string, Lachesis measures it out determining how long someone has to live and Atropos cuts the thread killing the person that thread was attached to.


Huh I didnt know that! Thanks for sharing that I have always had an interest in Greek mythology but it is hard for me to find books about it! :grin:

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dude shes next new hero

That post was from June, man. This topic wasn’t created yesterday. I know I got an Elsa concept in there somewhere.


Yuo and on your heroe page. I think :confused: lrmme find the link.

Here yah are :grin:

So…so many people are doing (or have done) Rapunzel but nobody is doing Flynn Rider. I wonder why that is?

Hero: Flynn Rider
Movie: Tangled
Outfit: His regular outfit
Costume: The outfit he wears when marrying Rapunzel.I

“They just can’t get my nose right!”

Flynn demolishes the battlefield with some help from his buddies of the bar.

White skill: Thief’s touch.
Flynn’s next basic attack steals 25% of the enemies current health and heals him for half of what was stolen.

This effect is greatly reduced on enemies above lvl X

Green skill: Rolling with the punches.
Every basic attack that hits Flynn gives him a thief token. Stacks up to X amount.

Blue skill: Thief Rally
Flynn calls all the thieves of the bar. They run through the enemies dealing X amount of true damage for every thief token Flynn currently has accumulated. If Flynn had over X tokens then they are consumed. Of not then he keeps them till activating this skill again.I

Purple skill: Wanted: Dead or Alive
Flynn now collects one thief token every X seconds he has a buff or a debuff.

Role: Damage
Row: Front

Basic attack: Hits with frying pan.

Entrance: Flynn runs in with his satchel then pulls out of it a frying pan.

Victory: Flynn tosses Frying Pan up and catches it then smiles wildly

Defeat: Flynn falls forward, face down on the ground.


Nick Wilde (Thief turned good?)
Color: Orange
Level: 95

First disk power: Flynn gains X armor

Second disk power: Flynn gains an additional 2 thief token slots.
(Increased by two per star lvl)

Rapunzel (Protecting the wife)
Color: Orange
Level: 97

First disk power: Flynn gains X amount of reality.

Second disk power: Basic attacks damage are increased by 1% for each Thief token currently accumulated.
( Add 1% per star lvl)



Flynns white ability to remove badges sounds a little too OP.

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Hmmm you think so? I put the HP there so that it hopefully wouldn’t be…

But I suppose I can make him do life steal?

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