Ludo Avarius Concept (#242)

Ludo Avarius

Description: Outcasted from his throne, Ludo was once a power hungry ruler of an army of monsters. But after being betrayed by his superior Toffee, he was left with nothing but himself to fend off the forces of the wild against. It was a journey of self-discovery, but Ludo managed to make allies with both a Bald Eagle and a Giant Spider. With company like that, Ludo will regain what he has lost little by little.

Quote: “I knew they couldn’t hide that royal brat from me for long! Soon, the wand will be mine and then the universe, AND THEN… Actually, the universe should do it."

Role: Control
Position: Back
Team: Yellow


Basic Attack: Ludo will use his wand to levitate the closest enemy and knock them back as well as sapping them for 5 seconds.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Entrance: Ludo will fly into the arena with the Bald Eagle and Spider before pulling out his magic staff.

Victory: Ludo will hold his wand up high and laugh.

Defeat: Ludo will jump up and down in rage.


White Skill:
Ludo will use his staff to levitate the three closest enemies, stunning and sapping them for 10 seconds. Ludo will then push them backwards, dealing X damage to them and reducing their attack and movement speed by 80% for 8 seconds.
(Damage Type: Fantastic))

Green Skill:
“Giant Spider”
The Giant Spider will come to Ludo’s side and knock the two closest enemies backward, whilst also spinning a web on both of them, snaring and stunning them for 7 seconds.

Blue Skill:
“Bald Eagle”
The Bald Eagle will fly through the enemyline dealing X damage to every enemy. The eagle will then fly back and flap her wings from the enemyline, knocking the two farthest enemies closer to the front.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Purple Skill:
“Prince of Castle Avarius”
When Ludo is K’Oed, Giant Spider and Bald Eagle will each be used used one more time. If an enemy gets K’Oed from one of these skills when Ludo is K’Oed, then every ally will become immune to disables for 9 seconds.

Red Skill:
“Outcasted Allies”
Ludo will now drain enemies every time he uses his basic attack or Levitato for 9 seconds as well as reducing their basic damage by X. Also, Ludo will gain an additional 100 energy per second when he is silenced.

  • +X Damage from Levitato
  • +X Skill Power
  • +X Reality



Disk Name: “Ludo in the Wild"
Disk Effect: DOT from Crits

Other Effects:

  1. When Ludo or his allies land a crit on an enemy, that enemy will be dealt X damage over time for 2 seconds as well as lose X skill power. (+2 seconds per star level)
  2. +X Crit Damage to Ludo and his Allies
  3. +X Basic Damage

Campaign: (As if being banished from the throne and transported to a new dimension wasn’t bad enough, Ludo has been transported AGAIN but not from a dimensional portal. He is still trying to get a feel for his surroundings when he comes across Gurgi. He’s looking for more apples to feed himself, and Ludo uses his magic staff to break off the apples from the branches to successfully retrieve them. Perhaps Gurgi could be somewhat useful in his plans to take Star Butterfly’s wand once and for all.)
Allies: Dug, Molly Mcgee, Lefty

King Magnifico

Disk Name: “Kingly Ordeals"
Disk Effect: Drain Immunity for Red Allies

Other Effects:

  1. Every red ally will have their drain duration reduced by 1 second and will drain the enemy giving them drain for 8 seconds. (-1 second per star level)
  2. +X Skill Power to all Allies
  3. +X Basic Damage to all Allies

Campaign: (Ludo was once a ruler of some sorts back in Mewni, but this world is vastly different from what he’s used to. Now he has to start back from square one and reclaim a higher position. And that means being into conflict with other rulers, most specifically King Magnifico. His wish of wanting to rule the universe is especially tantalizing for Magnifico to consume, and Ludo needs to retrieve his wish back before it gets destroyed. Thankfully he’s got a majestic bird and a large spider by his side!!)
Allies: Envy, Charles Muntz & Alpha, Arthur Pendragon & Archimedes


Great concept :+1:


Great concept! :ok_hand:t2::muscle:t2:

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