Val Little Concept (#244)

Val Little

Description: Working as a mechanic for MIFT at Monsters Incorporated, Val Little was Tylor Tuskmon’s friend from University. What starts as a normal work day to some, are made all the more lively when Val Little’s around. Her enthusism and positive outlook on work allows her to get into the kitty gritty of situations and allows her to be more than open to any task! After all, she didn’t become Tyler’s laugh assistant and then full time jokester for nothing!!

Quote: "College, eh… it was an interesting detour. Too much of a commitment. Not really the whole regimented, stuffed shirt, college-scene type of gal.”

Role: Tank
Position: Front
Team: Yellow


Basic Attack: Val will attack the closest enemy with her screwdriver dealing X damage to them.
(Damage Type: Normal)

Entrance: Val will ride in, driving on her work cart before jumping off.

Victory: Val will throw her wrench in the air and catch it with her other hand.

Defeat: Val will put her hands to the side and sternly stare at the enemyline.


White Skill:
“Cart Pickup”
Val will ride her cart through the enemyline, dealing X damage to every enemy and knocking them towards her side of the battlefield. When an enemy is pierced, they will also lose X basic damage and skill power and they will be dealt 40% more damage for 7 seconds.

Green Skill:
“DoNut Pass!”
Val will pull out a box of donuts, distracting the three closest enemies for 9 seconds and decrease their basic damage by X. Val will also energize allies nearby her for 10 seconds as well as give them berserk for 7 seconds.

Blue Skill:
“Monkey Wrench”
Val will hit the closest enemy three times with her wrench dealing X damage with each hit. She will then screw the enemy with the wrench, piercing them for 9 seconds. Val will gain X skill power and X armor.
(Damage Type: Normal)

Purple Skill:
“Pin-Pal Val”
Enemies will be given two stacks of vulnerable for 8 seconds whenever Val or her allies gain a stat buff increase. The vulnerable stacks can be handed out every 12 seconds.

Red Skill:
“It’s Laughter We’re After”
Every time Val receives a debuff, she will gain a 5% damage reduction and a shield of X HP. Also, ally invincibility and berserk lengths will now last 3 more seconds longer and enemies will have 200 energy removed when they try to attack them.

  • +X Armor
  • +X Basic Damage
  • +X Skill Power

Tyler Tuskmon

Disk Name: “Monster Energy”
Disk Effect: DoNut Pass! Blocks Revives

Other Effects:

  1. When an enemy is distracted by DoNut Pass!, they will be unable to revive, regardless of their invincibility and berserk buffs. When that enemy fails to revive, all enemies will be dealt 9% more normal damage. (+9% per star level)
  2. +X Damage from Pierces
  3. +X Basic Damage

Campaign: (Comedy routines are a must for building up laugh energy, and both Val and Tylor need to create some new and innovative jokes on the spot. Fortunately in a city like this and the new friends they have, jokes are becoming a lot more easier to find. A dragon not loving some princess’s “jackfruit jerky?” Humorously Unappealing! A super dog with a fear of styrofoam? Hilariously Genius! And of course they can’t forget the girl who literally brought live snakes for her book report! Ok the last one was more fearful, but it did give the two monsters some creative leeway!)
Allies: Panchito Pistoles, Ember Lumen, The Screenslaver

Audrey Ramirez


Disk Name: “Mechanic’s Craft”
Disk Effect: Pierce when Reflect is Removed

Other Effects:

  1. When an enemy has their reflect removed, they will become pierced for 8 seconds and will have 12% of their basic damage reduced until their pierce is done.
  2. +X Basic Damage to Val and her Allies
  3. +X Armor to Val and her Allies

Campaign: (Val has been working nonstop at Monsters Inc with a seemingly never-ending drive to work as best as she can. She needs to take it easy and let another trusted person handle the monstrous mechanical work. In comes Audrey Ramirez who despite inexperience with monster energy and pipework manages to familiarize herself and work like a pro almost naturally. She is grateful to work as a side gig for her new fellow MIFTers!)
Allies: Penumbra, Ludo Avarius, The White Witch


Great concept :+1:

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I think it’s possible to get Tyler Tuskmon and Val Little because of this clip.

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