Lefty Concept (#240)


Description: Butler of the Robinson Family, it is Lefty’s job to greet guests in the house, when either Spike or Dimitri’s doorbells are rung. His appearance can be quite intimidating for a large octopus with one eye, but much like the rest of the Robinsons, he is ever so caring and will protect his family to his best extent. He however is not a one octopus army, as he knows he has his family fighting by his side.


Role: Tank
Position: Front
Team: Blue


Basic Attack: Lefty will swing his tentacle at the closest enemy dealing X damage.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Entrance: Lefty will scurry his way to his position.

Victory: Lefty will pull a glass bottle and pour water on himself.

Defeat: Lefty will close his only eye in shame.


White Skill:
“Art Robinson”
Art Robinson will fly his spaceship into the arena and throw some pizzas down on the ally line, healing every ally by X HP, as well as gaining 3 stacks of hardy and determination.

Green Skill:
“Lazlo & Tallulah Robinson”
Lazlo and Tallulah will splatter paint onto the enemyline, limiting and draining every enemy for 8 seconds. Lefty and his allies will also gain an X increase in their max HP overtime for 10 seconds.

Blue Skill:
“Fritz & Petunia Robinson”
Fritz will enter the arena with Petunia verbally berating at the enemyline, dealing X damage to every enemy and silencing them for 12 seconds.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Purple Skill:
“Keeping the Family Together”
When an enemy tries to attack Lefty with their skills for the first 10 seconds, they will be scared for 10 seconds as well as stunned for 5 seconds.

Red Skill:
“Octopod Butler”
Lefty and his allies will convert any hardy stack granted to an ally to a decrease in their Max HP by X. Also, reality increases will increase Lefty’s chance to crit by 60% for 12 seconds.

  • +X Damage from Fritz & Petunia Robinson
  • +X Basic Damage
  • +X Reality

DT17 Scrooge McDuck

Disk Name: “Smarter than the Smarties"
Disk Effect: Permanent Reality

Other Effects:

  1. Everytime Lefty gains a buff from any source, he will gain a 2% permanent reality buff that can’t be reduced. Lefty can gain this permanent reality every 11 seconds (-1 second per star level)
  2. +X Reality to Lefty and his Allies
  3. +X Armor

Campaign: (Mrs. Beakley is currently on a mission at the moment, Duckworth has his hands full with helping Scratch fend off Jinx, and Scrooge had made plans to have plans to hang out with the Robinson family. It’s a good thing Lefty can fill the role to a tee. Even Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby are more than a handful for Lefty to handle, he still manages to entertain them to the best of his abilities. Needless to say, Scrooge is forever grateful to have him as a backup butler anytime!)
Allies: M-O, Mrs. Calloway & Lucky Jack, Sasha Waybright

Billie & Gaston Robinson

Disk Name: “Eight Legged Race"
Disk Effect: Robinson Combo Chain

Other Effects:

  1. When Art Robinson is summoned into the arena for the first time, both Lazlo & Tallulah as well as Fritz & Petunia will be summoned in conjuncture to perform their skills. Lefty’s cooldowns will also be reduced by 8% everytime he lands a crit. (+8% per star level)
  2. +X Healing from Art Robinson
  3. +X Skill Power for All Allies

Campaign: (The Robinson Family has recently joined Shank and her crew in racing games, specifically with the assistance of Gaston. The family are no strangers to oddballs, and Lefty is but one of these members. While he can’t fit into a kart, he is super useful when it comes to being the flag-man as well as the commentator. It’s these type of fun games and challenges that will only increase as the Robinsons make their mark in the city more and more.)
Allies: Brooklyn, Captain Gantu, Steelbeak (DT17)


OK, I guess.

Great concept :+1:

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Dang it, all the new Disney movies sound like fnaf characters.

… Meet the Robinsons came out in 2007. FNAF was released in 2014. If anything, wouldn’t it be the other way around?


I don’t like FNAF.

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