ShadowMan16’s Concept Library

Oh, don’t give that guy the time of day. You can make a concept of anybody you want. If it’s not the character they want then they can go kick rocks.

Mute them if you’re so worried about it.


See sholadow told you he was gonna be like this

Provoking him/pointing out his behavior like this does not help the situation, either…


Yeah what he said

Scotley Innis has been added to the list!image

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Bret Hauser added to the list!

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Any guesses? Should be out tomorrow!

Mr. Smee?

If that’s the case, shouldn’t he be Hook’s only hand man?

Nope- but I’ll consider it lol

I guess donutnsince he is right handed

Didn’t Shadowman say they didn’t want to make a Donut concept?

Closer, like really close, but nope

Scrap book cause that would be funny

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That’s actually genius, but somehow not correct. He might be next tho

Coiny added to the list!


For the first time in my time here, we have a tie!
So, I’m having a revote!
The character with the most votes will be my next concept.
(You can only choose 1.)

  • Cane’s Cup (Animatic Battle
  • Airy (HFJONE)
  • Scrapbook (This is Scrapbook)

0 voters

Happy voting!
(Also I deleted the original vote due to it being ‘too similar to my last post’)

I would love to think that Cane’s Cup’s White skill is summoning Demon Core

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You better know it!

Yea the only issue I have with scrapbook is that I either have to make an asset for him, search everywhere in Katyj98’s channel for one, or take a photo and attempt to remove the face for the drawing in the concept, since there’s no asset available.

Scrapbook added to the list!

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