Update 2.7 Patch Notes

Who? PerBlue?

Exactly yes

Ok. But why do you think so?

Well i aleady eliminated this game but i will tell u why do i think like that. If some new characters are coming up they always be op and it make my fav characters useless and when i try to build up the new characters, they always require a lot of money. So when is the end of badge rank hah

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This is GREAT! 3 of my Inside Out heroes have more than 3 stars, I’ll have extra energy regen for them in no time!


We have two new characters and a new collection your all complaining because of a rank?

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This is good patch notes. :slightly_smiling_face:
But only one thing,
enough with the reds already! I want Gold+0 Rank! :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:


Im one that appreciates new things with this game. I really do. Interesting choice of character and I can’t complain about another Zootopia member. We haven’t had one in a while. Not excited about another cap raise. I don’t think anyone is. I literally just made it to 200.

Speaking of rounding out character rosters from movies and shows… I just wonder why Ursula sits there for 2.5 years with no other Little Mermaid characters in sight.


So on s16 we get 10 levels and jump from red 13 to red 15??? Not serious, PB.

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The cap raise is needed as Servers 14 and 16 will be merged next month. :point_down:


Oh great. A double cap increase for S16. As if having to deal with single ones each month wasn’t enough. Wtf? You should at least make it easier for the ones affected by the merge…


Would it be possible to see some game art of Mr. Big?


I can’t see anything regarding the fixing of the heist issue with movement speed… when is it gonna get fixed ???

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Right. S14 could stay on their rarity and s16 gets r14. What about some free stuff for all players on s16 as we get two caps in one? Not even the top guilds can catch up with the ones from S14 without investing tons of stamina.
@Polaris has PB thought about this problem?


Except PerBlue is adamant that any delays in raising the rank causes people to leave the game.

I don’t understand it, but I don’t expect PerBlue to go “Oh well, we aren’t going to have Yellow ready as soon as we thought, so we’ll just hold off on raising ranks until it is ready even though we’ve said doing so will lose us customers.”

Personally, I think this would be a terrific opportunity to once more test the effect of delaying a cap raise, since the last two times it happened during other circumstances that could at least partly explain why people were leaving the game. But demanding that the company should do so and that the community manager justify (again!) their decision to go ahead with another cap raise seems, well, like a bit of an aggressive overreaction.

Either way, we were getting a cap raise next week. I can understand being disappointed that it doesn’t come with a new color and whatever new skills or geegaws are included with it, and I can understand being disappointed that they won’t try a delay in the cap raise once more. I just don’t care for the vitriol and entitlement on display in the forum.

Yeah, you would think several high-ranking players ceasing spending or outright leaving from one server within a span of a few days would motivate PerBlue to examine their current practices and see if maybe something needs to change. You would think so, anyway.


Yes they thougt about it… they artificially made a urge for something you will need… and they probably see some money drops… there you have their thoughts.

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Welcome @Viloet to the forums!

I just gave you a like which should give you your first badge!

However, I would like you to ask to move the discussion on heroes you would like to the #feedback-corner:hero-wish-list

You could also make concepts for them in #forum-events:hero-concepts
For that I would recommend checking out this guide first!


As you are doing an update on invasion, maybe you can investigate how to stop the cheaters who use auto-clicker.
This must be stopped so everyone gets a chance to,win invasion.
Speed of auto-clicker is so fast, so if you play only manual (what is the purpose i think) you can never compete.

Which is so funny cause in my actual experience everyone who is leaving the game says they can’t keep up. That’s why I might quit, too, in the near future.

Their data analysis is a disaster. :woman_facepalming:


Decent update, couple concerns though.

I understand the need for an invasion update, and this will help lower lvl players some, however there are many of us players who stay close to, or at, max team level while our toons are 3, 5, 8 promotion levels behind. Perhaps changing the identifier for the bots and breaker teams to an individuals top promotion level, or their total power, would be a better way to create a ‘fairer’ invasion for all?

Also, as a S16 player I am both happy we are getting the much needed merge, but definitely concerned with the double increase we need to make in a month to be ready for it. Not sure what we can do at this point, however maybe a compromise of some sort can be made, so we’re not coming into S14 struggling to catch up?

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