Update 3.4.10 Patch Notes


Will Kim Possible characters appear as enemies now?
and in the main story (normal campaign) as well, CH49 and above?

@Loutre… because for some reason they don’t appear and it was mentioned in Q&A that they will, so I just wonder if this will happen with this update.

Can you direct me to it in the Q&A?

‘‘Why weren’t the Kim Possible characters added to the campaign as enemies?
[PBLudwig] - No particular reason, but they will be added soon!’’

under ‘’ Heroes Specific’’

Uhm, is possible to share the reason why they weren´t released in the beginning? Licensing issues of Minnie and Mickey Ears? Something else?

You know this was a community requested change, right? Not 100% PB’s fault.

Plus, it is a good nerf, especially because of Mr. Big’s low amount of counters.


Someone on the team was an Electroyeti fan? Lots of similarities here :eyes::laughing:

This seems underwhelming - I suppose we’ll see on Tuesday. The skill is very niche :man_shrugging:

This looks like it will be fun! Please don’t just cheese this by ‘off-dutying’ a ton of heroes - being impossible is not a challenge, it’s just frustrating. There needs to be a way to make it very challenging without alienating those without X hero combination.

Excellent, permafreeze is uncompetitive. This will have a positive impact.

Woohoo !!!
Thanks :grin:

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I read a lot of people complaining about MrB some months ago, when he was unstoppable and you couldn’t even do anything in the fight. If this nerf would have come in that time I would have understand it and supported it.

Now, there are a lot of characters that can prevent his freezing/scare Kronk, MH, Dread and Fred (that makes him useless). He is not even that fast anymore. Shego can delete him in the first seconds of the match…

This is not a requested nerf. This is another example of how PB nerfs a good character that has been around for a while, that keeps his niche and has been upgraded by practically everyone to artificially make room for newest characters. Shame on them.


Thanks so that answer to your questions


And he can kill her.

Mr. Big was freezing everyone after 1s of the battle for 25s… this was too broken.


That’s weird answer…

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From what I see you’re the only one complaining :man_shrugging:

The nerf was kinda needed

Mr. Big is still OP

That doesn’t make it the whole community… There are a lot of players beyond this forum and not everyone can speak English. We have a huge language barrier.

I don’t know what server are you playing, nor tier. But MrB isn’t meta in S1 in arena. Because Kronk exist now. Shego is the one you should aim for if you’re looking for OP.

And nothing changes the fact that this is an unwanted nerf (now) that affects a lot of players (in coli and war MrB is still relevant) in order to make room for new characters.

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Kronk, MH and Fred exists rn. If MrB kills your team in the first second maybe you’re picking the wrong team to Battle

As a guy who reached Division 1 on S1, Mr. Big and Shego are equally hard to beat - with the exception that if Mr. Big starts spamming, even later in the fight, it’s over, while you can still somewhat survive Shego because of her 0 negation.

And looking at the top pvp defenses isn’t a good way of judging a hero since everyone will just try to prevent quick fights and disables and will have Kronk/Hatter lines for that. For the same reason, it’s the same for attacks. If you look at war, nearly everyone has him in defense, he’s as popular as Shego


Add me to the list of people complaining.
Either you nerf it quickly, when still needed or you release counters and let the community figure out how to handle it … but then you no longer nerf him.

There’s a good group of counters out there. Not a lot but not fewer than for something like a reflect or study dot team.

One defense he‘s harder to beat than Shego and Ron when rng messes with you.
On arrack you can still get him to insta freeze with Elsa, Baymax and maybe Wall-E. You don’t really need the perma freeze to kill the enemy team after that …


2 is not a good group

And Mr. Big is not fast enough to be countered by Hatter nor Kronk (Yz).


Am I going to regret investing significantly in Koslov?

Reminds me of Kim Possible, I put a lot of resources into her

and now I don’t use her at all because I don’t like how her aoe stun and heal were “improved”.

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Mr. Big & Koslov’s Polar Freeze disk was bugged and would cause battles to go on endlessly and will now be fixed in this update.


Maximus already was becoming less valueable, now another nerf :frowning_face:

Luckily though refresh meant only changing one skill. Ashame though he gets more energy, but we gotta cope with it.

Trial events sure seems very exciting. I love rules that force you to be more creative! So looking forward to seeing it!

Sad to see the reign of this beautifull disk end, but it’s the way it is. Maybe he could get some more conservation in return?

Yes! Hooray! Love to see this and will start working on it very soon!

Very much welcome, hero XP is probably the most scarce resource! (And hopefully double/triple port soon!)

Yes, time to add the final stars!

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That is… weirdly specific. Either Ratigan is coming as a Tank with Study, or someone at PB felt it would be a good improvement to counter literally just 3 heroes, only 1 of which is used semi-commonly.

I hope the ones in the screenshot are just placeholders, because those are pathetic.

Good… hopefully by a decent amount?



@Loutre Is that Hercules’ father?

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