4.8 Known Issues

Is it just me because my private chat is disappearing. Look here:

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@Samm there is no ‘Yes’.


I think that may be part of the same bug. I’ll add this as a note on the bug report so the team is aware.


@Samm Chef skinner seems to be causing a visual bug in fights. (Hopefully it’s just a visual bug) I’m losing or winning fights but my heroes still show as being alive and no K’Od and the only similarities is chef skinner being in the fight.


I’m running into the problem that the free battle pass rewards are giving less than what it shows on the pass when claimed

For example it’s showing around 608k disk power but gives around 508k

Kinda frustrated as I’m losing 100k disk power



That was reported in this thread two weeks ago, and Samm confirmed they were working on it a week ago. Hopefully we’ll get a resolution soon, preferably with compensation for the difference in what was given vs. what was shown, but time will tell.


I understand it’s frustrating. It does need a new client to resolve, but it looks like that will be 4.9. After it’s fixed we’ll address the issue of what’s owed to players. Thank you for your continued patience!


@Samm the app now auto closes in certain circumstances if fighting Chef Skinner
 on top of the bugs already mentioned above.

This is really concerning that newer heroes are not tested enough before being released (Cinderella, Little John)

Will this be fixed in 4.9?


Basil’s red skill is still missing Normal Damage :fist: icon.


When will this be fixed? It has been months!

It totally ruins surge (or what left of it) for us. How can we clear this one? Praying once upon a star?


It actually has been years

And I wouldn’t hold my breath for it to be fixed before the end (coming soon to theaters near you)


@Samm About why I asked if Y27 is the last rank or not.

The team trials might soon nuke the game if bits are added for each ranks. It now lags a lot, but considering what’s given it should wonder no one.

Oh and one third of those bits are also useless. :slight_smile:
But I do mention it for
 two or three years now.

The reason they are useless = you always get thousands of them when raiding campaign stages. But they only craft one badge for each hero at one rank.
And since there are 200 heroes x 40 bits = 8,000 bits.
At one point I had 100,000+ of those useless badge bits :slightly_frowning_face:

In this case, the first useless badge bit is the 1st in the 2nd row. Then 2 are useful and the third is useless again.


No doubt finding the underlying cause of the problem is complex, and I hate to tell programmers how to do their jobs, but: Since the game knows to display the “KO” images for the five characters in the district, shouldn’t it be possible to add a check at that point that, if there’s five “KO” images to be displayed, instead the game should treat it as defeated and reset the district with a fresh team?

@Samm Could you suggest this to the devs as a possible solution? It’s not elegant, but it seems to me that it would work and not be too difficult to implement.


The thing with team trial is that, there are bits they give we never have enough and there are bits we barely use :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

They really should refresh and rescale team trial. But at this point, I won’t hold my breath. They haven’t event fix Yellow Mega bits and it is hinted that we will have a new rarity soon :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Trial event is still happening tomorrow? It’s still not listed on the event page.

Also, when Flash will have his spotlight and be finalized, it would be nice if today, before the event, as Skinner was finalized after the prize wall started and it was confusing.



I did bring this up
 Monday? to the team. I think it may be 5.0, but no promises just yet. It has at least been dug out and dusted off and has eyes on it. I’m sorry that it’s been an issue for so long.


Yes, this should be fixed in 4.9.


Yes, still on for tomorrow. But no preview for this one.


Samm, is Cinderella actually meant to be in 2 crates?

This only lists Guild Crate


Also, the team can delete rankings for “Total Stars” now. They are useless most of the time.

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