Fish Out of Water Concept (#234)

Fish Out of Water

Description: The cookiest member of Chicken Little’s friend group, Fish out of Water is a supportive, yet incomprehensible friend. Due to his scuba mask, he can’t speak properly from others, and has to gurgle his way into conversations. Regardless, his glow sticks, and his discovery of a strange floating device is more than enough to fully understand where Fish out of Water stands.

Quote: “GURGLE!"

Role: Control
Position: Mid
Team: Blue


Basic Attack: The octagonal “Piece of the Sky” will fly on it’s own and hit the closest enemy dealing X damage.
(Damage Type: Normal)

Entrance: Fish will float down on the “Piece of the Sky” and he jumps down.

Victory: Fish will pull out his glowsticks and dance.

Defeat: Fish will shift his head tank and frown as it was tapped.


White Skill:
“Sky Riding"
Fish will jump on the “piece of the sky” and fly through the entire enemyline, dealing X damage, knocking them back, and limiting them by 50 levels for 10 seconds. Fish and his allies will also have their white, green, and blue skills increased by 50 levels.
(Damage Type: Normal)

Green Skill:
“Blinding UFO Lights"
The “piece of the sky” will glow up and emit a blinding light, blinding ever enemy as well as confusing them for 9 seconds. Confused enemies will also lose 400 energy every time they try to use their skills.

Blue Skill:
“Glowstick Glowup"
Fish will shake some glowsticks, and remove all of his debuffs, as well as making himself and his allies immune to all blinds for 8 seconds. Fish will also heal for X HP everytime he attacks an enemy.

Purple Skill:
“Dodging to the Beat"
Fish will gain a 50% increase in his dodges when he gains a buff for 7 seconds. When he successfully dodges an attack, he will gain a permanent 5% increase in his chance to dodge. The max amount of dodges is 15 increases.

Red Skill:
“Incomprehensible Fish"
Fish will sap any enemy that tries to blind him for 8 seconds and will also gain X evasion and tenacity. Also, Fish will gain a shield of X HP when any enemy tries to blind him.

  • +X Healing from Glowstick Glowup
  • +X Reality
  • +X Max HP

Abby & Runt

Disk Name: “I Wanna Dance With Somebody"
Disk Effect: True Damage Crit Increase on Sky Riding
Other Effects:

  1. When Fish uses Sky Riding, he will grant his allies a 12% increase chance to deal true damage on their next attack. (+12% per star level)
  2. +X True Damage from Crits
  3. +X Basic Damage

Campaign: (Runt of The Litter is trying to impress Foxy Loxy during a night date at the school. A dance is being underway, but Runt is too nervous about the whole ordeal as dancing is more than likely going to play a factor. Fish out of Water, Abby and Chicken Little all help out Runt dance his heart out, and impress Foxy Loxy out. It takes some trial and error to fully get it down, but eventually Runt is ready to go for the dance!)
Allies: Arthur Spudinski, La Cebolla, Nani & David

Gerald, Marlin & Nemo


Disk Name: “Big Fish in a Small Pond"
Disk Effect: Restrict Most Wanted Enemy’s Reflect
Other Effects:

  1. The most wanted enemy will have their reflect reduced by 1 second, and will have their armor reduced by 40%. (-1 second per star level)
  2. +X Skill Power
  3. +X Armor

Campaign: (Fish out of Water has always been recognizable with his scuba helmet at all times, but never once did he ever have the opportunity to take it off into the water. He frequently checks the port to see his new friends with Nemo, Sheldon, Tad, and Pearl to hopefully come out of his helmet and swim like a fish. It takes some time getting used to it, but Fish actually enjoys being in the water without the need for his helmet, and his land dwelling friends are proud to see him expand his horizons!)
Allies: Aslan, Imelda & Pepita, Deja Thoris


Great concept :+1:

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Need Chicken Little characters in the game. :pray:

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We may be in luck!! There was a poll on Discord similar to what we had on the forums for potential franchises to come and Chicken Little was on the list!! So we can only hope for the best!!

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