La Cebolla Concept (#232)

La Cebolla

Description: Formerly a well-known actress in her telenovela, La Cebolla was unfortunately written out of her show for her inability to cry on command. After several attempts to improve her crying skills with the aroma of onions, a beam of light shined down on her, and gave her the power to talk to the onions and control them to her pleasing. She may not be an actress anymore, but she fills a spot in the Council of Düm, and will make the world cry for her, whether they want to or not.

Quote:Ay, what a fool I was! I turned my back on my only audience. The onions were sweet, but La Cebolla was sour! And now, I shall never know their pungent embrace again!”

Role: Support
Position: Mid
Team: Red


Basic Attack: La Cebolla will blow a puff of onion scent onto the closest enemy, giving them a stack of weakness and dealing X damage over time for 5 seconds.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Entrance: La Cebolla will ride into the arena on a platform of moving onions.

Victory: La Cebolla will pick up an onion and smile.

Defeat: La Cebolla’s onion pillar will scatter as she falls to the ground.


White Skill:
“Stunning Vocals"
A giant onion will rise above La Cebolla as she belts out a verse, silencing every enemy for 7 seconds, and granting them 2 stacks of weakness to them. La Cebolla’s allies will also heal for X HP, and will gain an additional 300 energy.

Green Skill:
“Onion Pillar"
A group of onions will form around La Cebolla lifting her up from the ground and healing herself for X HP, as well as giving herself 2 stacks of empowered.

Blue Skill:
“Rolling Onions"
La Cebolla will command her onions to shuffle three enemies in random spots, pushing or pulling them in every direction. Every enemy will also gain 2 stacks of weakness and will have their attack and movement speed decreased by 70% for 7 seconds.

Purple Skill:
“La Fresas de Amor"
When an enemy has a stack of weakness active, La Cebolla and her allies will heal for X HP with every hit as well as deal 5% more damage based on however number of weakness stacks are active.

Red Skill:
Porque no Puedo Llorar"
When La Cebolla uses Onion Pillar or Rolling Onions, she and her allies will gain an immunity to all saps and weakness stacks for 8 seconds. Also, damage allies will become precise when La Cebolla uses Onion Pillar for 7 seconds.

  • +X Healing from Stunning Vocals
  • +X Healing from Onion Pillar
  • +X Armor


Disk Name: "Cry Me an Onion River”
Disk Effect: Heal when Enemy Silence is Removed
Other Effects:

  1. When an enemy’s silence is finished, La Cebolla and her allies will heal 10% more HP based on La Cebolla’s remaining HP. (+10% per star level)
  2. +X Max HP to La Cebolla and her Allies
  3. +X Healing

Campaign: (The usually joyful Patch of Heaven residents has been a lot more somber with all the animals tearing up for no reason. Even Maggie as sarcastic as she is, can’t help but sob. Grace notices a huge amount of onions appearing in the garden than usual, and Grace tracks down the culprit for the onion upsurge. La Cebolla tries to overpower Grace with her singing, but her tone deafness is too much for her onions to handle.)
Allies: Dr. Calico, Anxiety, Phineas & Ferb



Disk Name: "Onions Have Layers”
Disk Effect: Weakness Stacks Remove Shields
Other Effects:

  1. When an enemy is given a stack of weakness, they will be unable to gain shields, and will have their armor and reality reduced by 12%. (+12% per star level)
  2. +X Normal Damage to all Allies
  3. +X Max HP

Campaign: (La Cebolla can potentially make her triumphant comeback in the entertainment business with a new offer for a new telenovela script written and directed by the one and only Sweetums! At first, she seems like a fantastic choice for the casting and she gets a part as the main lead. But unfortunately, even with her onion remedies, she still make herself cry on command, and is replaced by another lookalike. Enraged, she tries to ruin the set with her onions, but is apprehended and brought to the CPD in a rather tearful conclusion on all parts.)
Allies: Bushroot & Spike, Prince Naveen, Rosie & Dim


Great concept :+1:

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