Napoleon & Lafayette Concept (#228)

Napoleon & Lafayette



Description: Guard dogs for an abandoned windmill all the way in the French countryside, Napoleon and Lafayette work as a team to drive off any trespassers who walk on their turf. Napoleon the Bloodhound is the clever one and Lafayette the Basset Hound is the much less clever of the two. Fortunately for the two dogs, there’s a windmill with their name on it, and they will fend off the creeps in the best ways they can.

Quote: {Lafayette}: “How come you always grab the tender part for yourself?” {Napoleon}: ‘Cause I outrank you, that’s why. Now, stop beatin’ your gums and sound the attack."

Role: Control
Position: Mid
Team: Blue


Basic Attack: Lafayette will bite the closet enemy dealing, with Napoleon stepping on his tail to keep him in check.
(Damage Type: Normal)

Entrance: Napoleon & Lafayette run into the arena and scour the area.

Victory: Napoleon & Lafayette howl.

Defeat: Napoleon bonks Lafayette in the head as he faints.


White Skill:
“Motorcycle Chase”
Napoleon & Lafayette will rush offscreen and return riding on a motorcycle. They will drive through the enemyline three times dealing X damage to every enemy and limiting them for 9 seconds for the first two laps. On the third lap, the motorcycle will break into two parts and ram into the two closest enemies knocking them offscreen for 7 seconds.
(Damage Type: True)

Green Skill:
“Close Listening”
At the start of each wave, Napoleon will raise his ear, and signal to his allies the incoming debuff from the enemyline. The most common debuff that the enemyline shares will be disabled for the entire wave. Napoleon and his allies will also become precise for 12 seconds if an enemy tries to use that disabled debuff on them.

Blue Skill:
“Head Bonk”
When Napoleon & Lafayette have three debuffs, Napoleon will bonk Lafayette on the head, decreasing their remaining HP by 10%, but granting them berserk for 7 seconds and 2 stacks of Empowered.

Purple Skill:
“Windmill Guarddogs”
After Napoleon & Lafayette use Head Bonk, their basic attack will apply two stacks of weakness, and will also limit them for 7 seconds.

Red Skill:
“Clever & Dim-Witted”
When Napoleon & Lafayette gain fatigue stacks, them and their allies will have their white skills increased by 50 levels. Also, Invisibility buffs are disabled from all enemies for the first 15 seconds of combat, and Napoleon & Lafayette will give them 2 stacks of fatigue stacks if they try to go invisible.

  • +X Damage from Motorcycle Chase
  • +X Basic Damage
  • +X Evasion

Falcon Graves

Disk Name: "Hoverboard Chasing”
Disk Effect: Red Skill Level Increase

Other Effects:

  1. Allies will have their red skills increased by 25 levels, as well as have their allies green and blue skills increased by 2 levels. (+2 levels per star level)
  2. +X Skill Power for all Allies
  3. +X Max HP for all Allies

Campaign: (It’s no shock that Napoleon is well versed in vehicles, as he can spot the certain kind with just the listening of his ears. But there’s a new sound he hasn’t heard of before. A sort of “advanced” sound if you will… Mark Beaks is taking his stroll on his hoverboard, with Falcon Graves {begrudgingly of course} following beside him on another one. Comically, the two dogs seem to set their sights on Falcon more than Mark, and the result is a massive chase with a few bruises to the serious spy/security guard.)
Allies: Asha, Hop Pop & Bessie, Taran

Abigail, Amelia & Uncle Waldo

Disk Name: "Safekeeping”
Disk Effect: Additional Debuff Removed from Close Listening

Other Effects:

  1. When Napoleon & Lafayette use Close Listening at the start of the wave, they will remove another common debuff for 4 seconds. (+2 seconds per star level)
  2. +X Skill Power Reduced for Allies
  3. +X Max HP

Campaign: (Napoleon & Lafayette have no choice but to share the space of the windmill with a goose on the run. Apparently this isn’t the first time that this “marinated” goose has had multiple encounters with different chefs accidentely trying to cook him. However this “short” angry chef is quite persistent, as apparently he once had a motorcycle chase with vermin once. Despite their feelings, if there’s one thing the two watchdogs are good at, it’s chasing any unwanted folks off their turf in the best ways they can chase!)
Allies: Reflux, Heimlich, Ethan Clade & Splat


Great concept :+1:

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Wow! I live it! Brilliant concept!

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