The Telltale Series Chapters 17-20

Nice to see we unlocked another kingdom skill!!

And we seem to agree so far we should use it too!

@Champion_David one other thing: is it intentional to no longer show who voted what? Or just forgot it (which can happen of course)

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I keep forgetting!

the button to show who voted isn’t visible anymore… I suppose I can fix this one since its early. :thinking:

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Okay, you just have to revote.

Yeah just checked it and you have to click to settings-icon to see all, what we used to have at once before.

That’s okay, thanks for fixing!


Next choice is out!

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i feel that if we cry for help, our team is gonna think Troy is weak and then we might lose a little bit of the “relationship”, as I’ll call it :sweat_smile:

Yeah, so let’s make some magic!

And @Champion_David did you mean Agility with Reflexes or is it a new skill?

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Yah, I meant agility, my B!


And that concludes the chapter! Be looking for the release of Chapters 21-X, which will be wrapping up the series!

(If you want a tiny spoiler, the next chapters name is already up in the Archives.)


Let me know via PM if you want me to send you a link to the new post, that is if you worry about missing it.




oh no

series is ending, and what are we gonna do about hiro!?

as edna said, uh, something bad might happen

We have all the artifacts, so we only have to know where we have to go to restore all Kingdoms. We have left a messy bit at several places, but we should be able to fix all of it in one go.

Though only one chapter left seems a bit tiny for the task we might still have. Also, we are still lacking one Kingdom skill that is still a ??


did you guys read the archives and see the chapter name for 21 :grimacing:

no :open_mouth:

go check yourself

i just did



…sounds like a bad ending chapter to me :eyes:

(Hope not…but that’s what it sounds like)


You are missing the Reality Kingdom. There will be a kingdom skill and artifact to collect there.

It will not be one more chapter, I put the X because I was not quite sure how many more chapters there would be.

XD after reading the comments, I am wondering if I should have revealed this info.

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