Update 1.13 Patch Notes

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Update 1.13

Are the hairs on your neck standing up? Then you’ve arrived at Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.13 Update, featuring all-new villains to make October even spookier: Yzma from Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove and Mad Madam Mim from The Sword in the Stone! And still lurking in the shadows is Captain Hook from Peter Pan, with more to be revealed soon. Our third Muppet also joins us this release - please welcome Gonzo from The Muppets to the game!


  • New VILLAINS to make your team more wicked: Yzma from Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove and Mad Madam Mim from The Sword in the Stone.
  • New! Gonzo from The Muppets!
  • Hero Balance, Invasion Update, Guild Aid, New Crates, and more!


Yzma is a mid-line “Control” character. Yzma will be the October Sign-In Hero on Servers 1-15.


Push Your Luck
Yzma turns invincible to mix a potion. She then throws the potion at the closest enemies, dealing damage depending on how long she mixed the potion. As Yzma mixes the potion, there is an increasing chance of the potion backfiring and exploding in her face, which instead deals a percent of the damage to Yzma and enemies around her.

While not on auto, the player can end her mixing early by tapping her portrait. While on auto, Yzma will always mix the potion for X seconds, deal X damage, and it will never blow up in her face.

Llama Drama
Yzma throws a potion at an enemy, turning them into a llama, stunning them, and dealing damage.

Scary Beyond All Reason
Yzma cackles, “Scaring” enemies for a few seconds.

Every x potions thrown by Yzma with her basic attack or “Push Your Luck” will either blind, curse, or stun enemies.

Wardrobe Change (Red Skill; Server 1 only)

Yzma’s basic attacks splash to nearby enemies, dealing and applying any debuffs from “Alchemy” to them.


  • Yzma and Ursula
  • Yzma and Miss Piggy

Madam Mim

Mad Madam Mim is a front-line “Damage” character. Madam Mim will be available in the Diamond Crate on Servers 1-13.


Wizard Duel

Madam Mim magically transforms into different animals based on the role of the enemy that last used an active skill.

  • Tank Role: Mim turns into a crocodile, biting the closest enemy and dealing fantastic damage.
  • Damage Role: Mim turns into a tiger and pounces on the last enemy who used their active skill, dealing normal damage.
  • Control or Support Role: Mim turns into a dragon and breathes fire at the farthest enemy, dealing fantastic damage to enemies in an area.

Ugly Old Creep
Madam Mim turns her face into a hideous sight, “Scaring” the closest few enemies.

I Make the Rules

When Madam Mim uses “Wizard Duel”, her different animal forms receive the following bonuses.

  • Crocodile: Mim also deals a percent of the target’s max HP as damage.
  • Tiger: Mim stuns the target she pounces on for a few seconds.
  • Dragon: Mim also deals damage over time to enemies hit by her fire breath.

Mad Energy
Madam Mim gains energy each time an ally uses their active ability.

Magnificent and Marvelous (Red Skill; Server 1 only)
At the beginning of the first wave, Mad Madam Mim gives herself and her allies energy.


  • Mad Madam Mim and Jafar (coming soon!)


Gonzo is a front-line ”Tank” hero. Gonzo will be available in event crates and contest rewards on Servers 1-15.


Chicken Run
Gonzo incites his hypnotized chickens to stampede, dealing damage to all enemies and stunning them.

My Next Act
The Great Gonzo cannonballs into each wave of combat, landing in the middle of enemies and dealing damage to all surrounding enemies.

Raise the Stakes
Every X times that one of Gonzo’s chickens damages an enemy during his basic attack or “Chicken Run,” Gonzo gains a shield that blocks damage and lasts for a few seconds.

Gonzo the Great
Gonzo takes a percent less damage for each percent HP that he is missing.

Fond Memories (Red Skill; Server 1 only)
While Gonzo has his shield from “Raise the Stakes,” he gains HP per second. During each wave, Gonzo applies “Most Wanted” status to the enemy who is dealing the most damage. Every few basic attacks, Gonzo’s basic attack stuns this “Most Wanted” enemy.


  • Gonzo and Duke Caboom

Hero Balance

  • We’ve made some adjustments to Jafar’s skills to make him better balanced. Our goal is not to nerf him, but adjust his skills to make him less overpowering and more fun.
    • Lowered damage on “Whirling Dervish”
    • Increased damage buff on “Snake Charmer”
    • Increased slow on “Sands of Time”
    • Increased attack speed buff on “Sultan Vile Betrayer”
  • Jasmine will receive her Red Skill on Server 1.
    • Each wave, Jasmine blocks the first x disables. Rajah can not take more than a percent of his max HP as damage in a single attack.

Invasion Update

With the 1.12 update, we changed how skill levels above the server cap worked to make things scale more effectively for mods. As a result of this, high level Mama Bots became much easier. Last week, we fixed the issue, restoring Mama Bot to her previous difficulty. However, after reviewing the data from last week’s invasion, we realized this change made it harder for players who are a little behind to keep up. So, starting with the new Invasion on Monday we will be returning high level Mama Bots to the easier difficulty they had for most of 1.12.

Since 1.12, there have been some bugs with Invasion that have made it frustrating for players. For this update, we’ve addressed those issues and expect things to be more reliable and consistent going forward.

Guild Aid

Are you having problems getting your hero or their skills to the next level? We could all use a little help from time to time to get over those progression bumps in the road and now with our new Guild Aid feature, you’ll be able to get it.

Guild Aid is all about giving and asking for help from your fellow guildmates. You can make requests for XP to help level up a hero or gold to level up a hero skill.

To ask for XP help with a hero, tap the “+” button next to their Level meter and look for the “Ask For Aid” button. XP help requests are limited to heroes who are 20 or more levels below your server’s Team Level cap.

For skill level help, look under the “Skills” tab and tap the Aid button to see which skills are eligible for aid. One great benefit of asking for aid with a skill is that you get the Skill Point for free! Skill level help is limited based on the skill color. White and Green skill help can be requested for skills up to 20 levels below the cap, blue skills are up to 40 levels below the cap and Purple skills are up to 60 levels below.

By default you can only request each type of aid once every 20 hours, but if that’s not enough, your guild can unlock additional requests through their Guild Perks. It’s worth noting that even if you ask for aid, you’ll still have the ability to level up that hero or skill, but doing so may cancel your request and you’ll have to wait until it resets before being able to ask for aid of that type again.

Most important of all, don’t forget that help is a two-way street! Make sure that you visit the Guild Aid screen within your guild to see who else could use a hand. Help your guildmates out by donating your XP items and gold to their heroes too!

New Crate Items

We’re introducing some new crate items in this release that will help you more accurately target the heroes you’re looking for! Team crates will give you a chance to find hero chips specific to the heroes on either Blue, Red or Yellow teams; Role crates contain hero chips for Control, Damage, Support or Tank heroes.

The drops for these crates include purple and orange badge bits, Gold, and XP drinks. These crates do not include the Sign-In Hero, or the featured heroes for the Guild Crate and VIP Crate.

Team Crates

Role Crates

The rewards within Team and Role crates are determined when you buy them, NOT when you open them. A crate will only contain heroes and items that were available at the time it was purchased.

Premium Stamina Items

Who doesn’t like free things? Well now with our new Premium Stamina item you’ll get an extra free 10% stamina bonus as long as you use the item within the first 24 hours!

If you need a bit more time to decide what to spend it on, don’t worry, each time you buy more Premium Stamina items you’ll reset the 24-hour timer on all your unused Premium Stamina items. But don’t wait too long, once the timer runs out the bonus disappears for good!

Other Improvements

  • When you unlock a Red Skill, an automatic message posts on your Guild Wall to celebrate your achievement!
  • Guild Leadership now has the ability to control whether or not they want the 30-day cooldown when they kick members from their guilds.
    • Whichever setting is currently chosen will apply to all players.
    • For example, if the cooldown is set to “off”, all players will be able to join (or request to join) even if they were kicked while the cooldown setting was “on”.
  • We’ve added a new Ultra XP Drink that is worth 300,000 XP.
    • This item can’t be sold for gold.
  • We’ve lowered the cap on “raw” stamina to 20,000.
    • Raw stamina is the amount you have immediately available for use
    • There is no impact on stamina consumable items
  • Power Crafting will now unlock at VIP5 (down from VIP7)!
  • We’ve added a new Guild Role: “Tactician”! Tacticians are meant to help manage Guild War. They can:
    • Post, edit, and delete posts on the Guild Wall.
    • Queue for Guild War.
    • Mark Guild War targets and move Guild War lineups.
  • We are working to improve matchmaking in City Watch
    • As team power has scaled up, higher end players are receiving too wide a range of power in their matches.
    • We’ve updated the matchmaking algorithm to smooth things out and make matches more even.
    • Because we want to make sure everything works properly, this change is currently only on Server 1.
  • Completed Friend Missions will now need to be collected before you can start new missions with any of the heroes that participated in the completed mission.
    • This change was made to help prevent an issue that was causing some screen lag and crashes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate enemies could sometimes appear in Campaign lineups.
  • Fixed an issue with the Auto Add feature in Enhancements where manually added enhancements weren’t being considered when calculating the Auto Add cost.
  • Fixed an issue where claiming loot from a defeated Invasion boss could result in an invalid loot error.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Fill the Vault” challenge wasn’t counting gold earned from selling items.
  • Fixed an issue where the “In a Jiffy” challenge wasn’t counting Invasion Boss battles won with Quick Fight.
  • Fixed an issue in City Watch where no confirmation popup was presented when switching from Epic difficulty to another difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue in Invasion that sometimes caused revives not to work in Boss fights.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the City Watch reset to happen at 5AM server time rather than with the player’s daily reset.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Quick Fight loading spinner would sometimes continue to spin after losing a battle.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Auto Add Enhancement didn’t calculate materials manually added into the bucket before Enhancing. This would cause the cost of Enhancing to be more expensive than necessary.
  • Fixed an issue where the top 10 ranks in a contest were also being considered as part of the “Top 1%” calculation
    • This should make it easier to finish in the top 1%
  • Fixed an issue in which not all Mod Upgrades were being included when updating Arena defense teams.
  • Fixed an issue in which only the Guild Leader could edit the Guild Motto, instead of all eligible Guild roles.
  • Fixed an issue in which a green border sometimes surrounded Red Skills in the Hero Screen before they were unlockable, causing confusion.
  • Fixed an issue in which Huey, Dewey, & Louie would become untargetable after activating their “Woodchuck Travel Badge” skill.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed red enemies in the campaign to use their red skills on servers where red skills are not active.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing notification for new private messages

New Hero Locations and Content Adjustments

Heroes will not appear in Shops until they refresh.

Servers 1-12 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 135 to 140
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +1 rank
  • Chapter 22: “Lamp Work” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Merida, Mickey Mouse, and Miguel

New Heroes

  • Yzma will be the October Sign-In Hero
  • Madam Mim will only be available in the Diamond Crate.

Existing Heroes

  • Huey, Dewey & Louie will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Peter Pan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Rafiki will replace Judy Hopps in the City Watch Shop
  • Maui will replace Shank in the Creep Surge Shop
  • The Queen of Hearts will replace Wall-E in the Arena Shop
  • Megara will replace Miguel in the Coliseum Shop
  • Simba & Nala will replace Merida in the Heist Shop
  • Timon & Pumbaa will replace Mickey Mouse in the Guild War Shop

Server 13

  • Team Level Cap increased from 130 to 135
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red rank
  • Chapter 21: “Bonnie’s Room” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Merida, Mickey Mouse, and Hercules

New Heroes

  • Yzma will be the October Sign-In Hero
  • Madam Mim will only be available in the Diamond Crate

Existing Heroes

  • Huey, Dewey & Louie will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Peter Pan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Rafiki will replace Judy Hopps in the City Watch Shop
  • Maui will replace Jack-Jack in the Creep Surge Shop
  • The Queen of Hearts will replace Wall-E in the Arena Shop
  • Megara will replace Miguel in the Coliseum Shop
  • Simba & Nala will replace Merida in the Heist Shop
  • Timon & Pumbaa will replace Mickey Mouse in the Guild War Shop

Server 14

  • Team Level Cap increased from 115 to 120
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange +6 rank
  • Chapter 18: “Wet Wired” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Miss Piggy, Wall-E, The Beast, and Anger

New Heroes

  • Yzma will be the October Sign-In Hero
  • Animal will only be available in the Diamond Crate
  • Miss Piggy will be available in the Elite Campaign

Existing Heroes

  • Huey, Dewey & Louie will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Peter Pan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Rafiki will replace The Queen of Hearts in the City Watch Shop
  • Maui will replace Scar in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Jack Skellington will replace Wall-E in the Arena Shop
  • Megara will replace Stitch in the Coliseum Shop
  • Simba & Nala will replace Darkwing Duck in the Heist Shop
  • Timon & Pumbaa will replace Jessie in the Guild War Shop

Server 15

  • Team Level Cap increased from 115 to 120
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange +6 rank
  • Chapter 18: “Wet Wired” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Merida, The Mad Hatter, and Kevin Flynn

New Heroes

  • Yzma will be the October Sign-In Hero

Existing Heroes

  • Huey, Dewey & Louie will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Peter Pan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Rafiki will replace Jack-Jack in the City Watch Shop
  • Maui will replace Chief Bogo in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Jack Skellington will replace Mr. Incredible in the Arena Shop
  • Megara will replace Judy Hopps in the Coliseum Shop
  • Simba & Nala will replace The Mad Hatter in the Heist Shop
  • Timon & Pumbaa will replace Merida in the Guild War Shop

Server 16

  • Team Level Cap increased from 110 to 115
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange +5 rank
  • Chapter 17: “Hacker Station” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Aladdin, Rafiki, and Calhoun

New Heroes

Existing Heroes

  • Gaston will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Hercules will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Robin Hood will replace Hiro in the City Watch Shop
  • Alice will replace Chief Bogo in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Jack Skellington will replace Fix It Felix, Jr. in the Arena Shop
  • Anger will replace Calhoun in the Coliseum Shop
  • Darkwing Duck will replace Aladdin in the Heist Shop
  • Baymax will replace Rafiki in the Guild War Shop

Server 17

  • Team Level Cap increased from 110 to 115
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange +5 rank
  • Chapter 17: “Hacker Station” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Aladdin, Rafiki, and Calhoun

New Heroes

Existing Heroes

  • Gaston will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Hercules will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Robin Hood will replace Hiro in the City Watch Shop
  • Alice will replace Wall-E in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Jack Skellington will replace Kevin Flynn in the Arena Shop
  • Anger will replace Calhoun in the Coliseum Shop
  • Darkwing Duck will replace Aladdin in the Heist Shop
  • Baymax will replace Rafiki in the Guild War Shop

Server 18

  • Team Level Cap increased from 100 to 105
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange +3 rank
  • Chapter 15: “Inquiry Line” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Rafiki, Robin Hood, and Mickey Mouse

New Heroes

  • Timon & Pumbaa will be the October Sign-In Hero
  • Joy will only be available in the Diamond Crate
  • Robin Hood will be available in the Elite Campaign

Existing Heroes

  • Gaston will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Hercules will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Jack-Jack will replace Mickey Mouse in the City Watch Shop
  • Alice will replace Moana in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Jack Skellington will replace Fix It Felix, Jr. in the Arena Shop
  • Chief Bogo will replace Tia Dalma in the Coliseum Shop
  • Quorra will replace EVE in the Heist Shop
  • Megara will replace Rafiki in the Guild War Shop

Server 19

  • Team Level Cap increased from 85 to 90
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange rank
  • Chapter 12: “Data Line” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Moana, Aladdin, The Queen of Hearts, and Rafiki

New Heroes

Existing Heroes

  • Gaston will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Hercules will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Jack-Jack will replace Chief Bogo in the City Watch Shop
  • Stitch will replace Moana in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Jack Skellington will replace Aladdin in the Arena Shop
  • Hades will replace The Genie in the Coliseum Shop
  • Darkwing Duck will replace Rex in the Heist Shop
  • Bo Peep will replace Rafiki in the Guild War Shop

Server 20

  • Team Level Cap increased from 100 to 105
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange +3 rank
  • Chapter 15: “Inquiry Line” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Judy Hopps,Tia Dalma, and Captain Hector Barbossa

New Heroes

Existing Heroes

  • Gaston will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Hercules will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Sally will replace Rex in the City Watch Shop
  • Stitch will replace Judy Hopps in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Mr. Incredible will replace Jack-Jack in the Arena Shop
  • Hades will replace Tia Dalma in the Coliseum Shop
  • Goofy will replace Emperor Zurg in the Heist Shop
  • Duke Caboom will replace Scar in the Guild War Shop

Server 21-22

  • Team Level Cap increased from 80 to 85
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Purple +4 rank
  • Chapter 11: “Power Line” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Quorra, Tia Dalma, and Merida

New Heroes

  • Megara will be the October Sign-In Hero
  • Aladdin will only be available in the Diamond Crate
  • The Genie will be available in the Elite Campaign

Existing Heroes

  • Maui will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Ursula will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Sally will replace Rex in the City Watch Shop
  • Stitch will replace Sulley in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Mr. Incredible will replace Jack-Jack in the Arena Shop
  • Hades will replace Tia Dalma in the Coliseum Shop
  • Mickey Mouse will replace Merida in the Heist Shop

Typically, we submit the update to the app stores on Friday for review and approval. For 1.13, we are submitting the update on Monday, so ideally, we’d like to update the server on Tuesday, October 1, it may be delayed to Wednesday. I’ll update the forums once we know when the update will be happening.




New curse source?! Finally! It has been a year


Now this is what I call rolling out the villains :smiling_imp:, can’t wait for Captain Hook and more of the villains for October!


Yzma pulls the lever

Madam min uses the magic

Gonzo is up next for his act

And the fearsome captain hook is lurking in the shadows.

I can’t wait!!!


Now this is an update I can’t complain about


And they nerfed jafar???


Yes! This is one of the best updates in a while!




This update is perfect


Just a question, what if Mim’s energy bar is filled up before an enemy uses their active? Will she not be able to use it?


This update is perfect compared to last lol also Yuma (0o0) shocker thought Hook was coming


Is this the infamous bug that has been around since game release. Wtg team, I thought this would never be fixed.


Shouldn’t that be the way she enters the game?


Pretty good update


I hope this does address the the issue with invasion, however id like to say that even players with teams of all 135 red 0 heroes were having difficulty so this was not simply an issue with players who weren’t caught up having trouble. I still hope this helps.


Incredible update! Jafar nerf, 3 awesome new heroes, guild aid, tactician, HD&L big fix! What’s not to love?


Before I say anything, I feel like pointing out the fact that these heroes will (most) likely have enormously powerful stats. But hey, seeing the Jafar balancing, I’m not going to lie and say it’s set in stone or anything. Plus, absolutely no response to the Cursed Red Skills.

Besides that, this is phenomenal. Yzma, Captain Hook, and Madam Mim are all great choices to add for the Halloween season. Yzma seems like a wonderfully creative Damage/Control, and Madam Mim looks great as well, with a unique active we’ve never seen before.

All of the new additions, the new XP drinks, the new Tactician position and other features look great as well.

And - yes, our prayers have been answered! Jafar is finally getting a proper balancing! Well done PB!


The patch notes said huey duey and LOUIS

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