A Guide to Making Character Concepts

I have been making concepts and helping others for a while now, and I have noticed that those who are newer to concepts sometimes struggle without help and guidance. This guide to help answer questions concept makers may have and act as a start to help those concept makers out. Later on, I will add some things for once you are comfortable making concepts and some other fun additions.

Dlsjvtl mplukpzo myplukz av aol Shpy vm Cpsshpuz. Lualy pm fvb khyl!

Let’s Begin with the Basics:


When I say rules, these are not really rules, more so things (or guidelines) that are good to follow so you do not make silly errors that could end up having unfavorable results for you.

Do not make RAPID FIRE CONCEPTS!- Rapid fire meaning quickly made concepts that have little to no detail. This definition includes putting more than 1 concept in a single thread or releasing more than one in a day. They are not interesting to read for the most part because they are not complete or creative. It is important to get creative and understand the character when making concepts, which we will get into later. The more time you put into the concept, the better it will turn out, I promise.

Do your best to use correct GRAMMAR and SPELLING!- Concepts are so much easier to understand when they are well written!

ORIGINALITY is IMPORTANT- Try to make sure that if the concept has been done before to not copy. This is especially important when making popular characters and highly requested characters (I’m looking at you Anna, Kermit, Onward, and others). It can be difficult to make original abilities when starting out, but it is easy to make original friendship disks since there are so many different directions you can take with them and many possible heroes to pair them with. Original skills take longer to create, but can be very much well worth it in the end.

Follow A FORMAT- I will be highlighting this later, but it is important to follow a format so it is easy to read. Even if it is a simple format, it goes a long way and makes it a lot nicer to read.

LISTEN to the CRITICS- Although feedback may not always be the best to hear, it is important, especially when starting to make concepts. It is best to ask for respectful feedback. When you are willing to ask for feedback, people will not only give it, but may be willing to help and work with you. Your first concept may not be the best (it usual never is) but the critics can really help (even if you do not listen to everything they say) and with more practice you will become better, especially if you have an interest to improve!

Make sure things go well together!- Everything including in the concept should be consistent and work together, the guide will be addressing this as a whole.

Now that we have gotten the rules out of the way, let’s move on to formatting.


Formatting is one of the ways that can make a decent concept great! Usually they are not hard to create, and you can always take inspiration from other’s formatting.

What usually is in a concept?
This is a great question! Let’s go into the parts of a complete concept!

Parts of a Concept

Hero’s name - we need to know WHO this concept is of (it is good to say who the concept is of in the topic’s title as well)

Image of the Hero - we want to know what the character(s) would look like in the game!

Description - a short sentence describing what the character does (both in the concept’s source and in the game)

Quote - just a fun thing the character has said in their source and shows their personality

Stars - how many stars should this character start with in the game?

Role - Tank, Damage, Support, or Control. The role dictates a lot of what is in the concept- including skills and the position. For example, Tanks are usually frontline because it is their job to protect their allies!

Position - Frontline, Midline, or Backline. The position dictates the kinds of attacks the hero has. Usually if they throw things, they are backline. If they do something different like swing a sword, they are a frontline. Midline is a mix of the two.

Trial Team - Red, Blue, and Yellow. Each team has its own strengths and weaknesses and usually has certain abilities as its specialty. It is good to think about the color team it is on when creating the skillset. I will put a guide that helps highlight those things in a resources section if you need it!

Animations - Entrance, Basic Attack, Defeat, and Victory. These are a great way to show the personality of the character and add some fun into the concepts. This applies to skills as well, but it can be fun to include a gif to show people what the animation will look like!

Skills - White, Green, Blue, Purple, and Red. White, Green, and Blue have animations to them. The Purple and Red skills are passive, meaning they do not have animations and boost the skills with animations in a variety of different ways. Red skills also give the character 3 different stat boosts. 2 boosts something such as Max HP, Skill Power, Basic Damage, etc. The last stat boost can affect something in a skill (such as damage dealt in a skill, etc.) or some another stat. It helps to think about what the character would benefit from gaining as well as the role they are in. It can also help to look at the different stats a character in the game has to understand the stats in the game so you can incorporate them in the other skills. They are the most important part of the concept. The character’s skills should fit the character you are making. They should be creative and fit into the game. It can be helpful to look at the game to look for the different effects that a character could do. It can also be helpful to take inspiration from characters already in the game. I will talk about Inspiration later in the guide.

Friendships - 2 heroes that you think your concept would be friends with. This includes heroes that may not be in the hero’s franchise. At minimum, you need to include the disk that the friendship would give. A Disk needs a name, a star effect (like a boost that lengthens a duration of an effect in a skill and other things like that), and a stat boost, similar to those that go in the red skill.

Those are all the parts! Pretty simple, right? Anything I did not mention (like trivia and other things of that sort are NOT needed)

For a nice example of a format, I suggest looking at one of these concepts!
Go Go Tomago created by me!
Character Concept Scaffold (this is not a concept, but it is a nice format for beginners created by @Slinky-Dog )

Pro tip: It is ok to break from the format in small ways as long as you include everything you need! Sometimes changing small things up a bit can be good! Feel free to create your own, or do whatever works best for you in terms of formatting. You do not need to use formats that others are using, just make sure however you present your concept can be easily understood!

Some Exceptions:
The trial team and number of stars of a hero is not needed, and is completely optional. Additionally, Green and Blue skills do not need to have an animation, and can be passive (a good example of a hero like this is Anger). At a minimum a concept should have 3 attack animations: basic attack, white skill, and another skill (Green, Blue, and even Purple)! ALSO, when you are making a concept of a hero who’s franchise is already in the game or a concept series, make sure that they are the same Trial Team color!

Examples of Breaking the Format (in small ways, or big!)
Kitbull created by @Bunny_Cat

*Concept makers- if you want, let me know if you have a nice concept that can be used as one of these examples so this part is not just me putting shameless plugs lol


There are 2 main types of concepts- likely and unlikely. They only have 1 major difference, but there are important things to know about them both.

Likely - These concepts are heroes that will likely come into the game, so Disney and Pixar characters.
Example: (more above this section)
Esmeralda created by @Irrer-Minnie

Unlikely - These concepts are heroes that will not likely come into the game, so anything that is not a Disney or Pixar franchise. This includes characters that already appear in an existing hero’s skillset. Ex: Grandma Tala, Zeus, and others. It can be helpful to put in the title of your concept that it is Unlikely so people are aware.

The Master of 2 Dimensions made by @Tragic-Magic


Of course everyone can have a different concept creating process, and it is important to do what works best for you. I will be sharing mine, which I think can be not only efficient but very organized and easy to do. If anyone wants to share their creative process, feel free and I will add it in this section.

My Creative Process
First things first, I choose a hero to make a concept out of and set up a quick format where I can fill in the blanks on a Google Doc with all my concepts.
Next, only if I need to, I look at the source material (where the character comes from) for the character to come up with some ideas.
I then go into making the concept itself, starting with the concept core.

Let me explain what MY version of a “Concept Core” is:
Name of Hero
Image of the Hero
Trial Team
All Animations
Skill Names with a basic idea of what each would do
Who the Hero is Friends with

*You can have your own version of this core, depending on what you want to do.

After creating the core, I put it in my concept previews PM to see what people think about it. If needed, I make some changes and then finish up the concept by creating the skills and finishing the Friendship Disks.


When making a character, all the parts of the character should feel accurate to the character! The more realistic it is and the more you know it, the better the concept. Think about their role in their source, their personality, and other character traits. Sometimes you want to focus on only a few of their traits that will work together well. Something that helps me is thinking like the character you are making and other characters that they interact with, to get at least one good perspective on the character.


Variables are a great addition to concepts, instead of plugging in random numbers. Some common letters that are used are X, Y, and Z. These can mean different things for different people, but can be used when you need to plug in a number. When using more than 1 variable, it can be good to say what they represent. The variable can take the place of HP, Skill Power, Basic Damage, damage dealt, level, stat boosts, etc. It is a lot easier than plugging in a random number. Variables should not be used in place of seconds or the number of stacks of a status effect a hero applies.


Taking inspiration from characters already in the game can be really helpful when creating a concept. This can happen in a large variety of ways including taking skills (or parts of them), disk effects, and other features and applying it to your heroes in some way. Let’s do an example.


Let’s say you want to create a concept of a hero that you think should focus on blinds. A great hero in game who already exists that focuses on blinds is Powerline. You may want to see what his skills are in the game and take aspects of them and apply them to your hero’s skills, disks, or whatever else you want.

This concept of Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice the Musical I made took inspiration from Powerline.


I have noticed that there have been some issues when it comes to providing feedback here on the forums. Sometimes people are very harsh when giving feedback and some people’s feelings get hurt when seeing it. Here are some tips to provide helpful and kind feedback to concepts.

Find at least ONE GREAT thing about the concept and tell the concept maker what you liked. (honestly it would be awesome if people did that anyway)

Offer to HELP the concept maker by helping them FIX or CREATE a concept before they release it.

Do not expect PERFECT concepts, even for those who have done many concepts before. I find that it helps people to give feedback to improve gradually. Do not overwhelm people with a lot of changes or things to work on for next time.

TALK (or in this case type) to them in a POSITIVE MANNER.

When you RATE or GRADE a concept tell them WHY you gave them that.

Make sure that when you do provide feedback, that it is MEANINGFUL.

Give feedback in the way you want to RECEIVE it.


Info on Team Colors! created by @Aurora_Veil

If you think this guide is missing an important section or subsection I have not thought of, please let me know, as I would love some help and contributions! If you have questions on this guide, also please let me know!

Nothing to see here
King Candy hero concept
The Stagehand Who's Also A Janitor (Likely concept)
Wooden boy (Pinocchio concept-likely)
The Imagineering Vault (Imagineer_V Concept Collection + Requests)
Hawk Moth Concept
Basic Rules - Guide For New Forumers On Spam!
Tamatoa Concept!
Hero Concept: Dipper and Mabel
I didn't mean to put this here
Varian (from Tangled: The Series or Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Eclipsa Hero Concept
Lightning McQueen idea
I will like Dipper And Mabel
Stickybeard (Unlikely Concept)
The Battle Freak - Nemona Unlikey Hero Concept
Lady in Armor (Unlikely concept)
(My Idea/Art Concept) Patch Notes 4.5.10!
The Lion King hyenas
More Ducktales!
Stan from gravity falls
...and the king. (Hooray!)
Quasimodo concept
Character Concept: Scroop
Shere Khan Disney Concept!
Wendy Darling concept (#92)
Ideas of characters from Home on the Range
True Love’s Kiss - Giselle Likely Hero Concept (#2, Updated)
Bambi concept (bambi is certain)! 1st Concept
Luigi (Unlikely Hero Concept)
Captain Grime (Hero concept)
“You don’t know how hard it is, being a woman looking the way I do” - Jessica Rabbit Concept
Concept for Lady Tremaine from Cinderella!
I’M ALMOST THERE! (Princess Tiana concept) #1 concept
Jaegar clade
WHAT'S HIS NAME? Emperor Kuzco Likely Hero Concept
Bing Bong Hero Concept
Wiggler Concept
Riley hero idea?
Ravi Ross and Mrs. Kipling Unlikely Concept
Hero concpetsts
Koopa Troopa Concept
Jerry B Hero Concept for soul
Almost There ( Tiana Concept )
Dolores Concept
Anne Boonchuy concept
Cinderella, the Second princess
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto Concept character)
Count wretcher concept 2.0
Nouveaux personnages
Sonic The Hedgehog ( Hero Concept )
Phineas Flynn (Phineas & Ferb, 2007-2015)
Elisa Maza character concept
Ideas for new characters
Max Mercer concept
Big Chungus unlikely concept
Marshmallow (likely concept)
Monkeys Mobilize! (Chiro hero concept)
Raya and the last dragon Raya
Needed heroes
Emporor Kuzko concept idea
Zootopia Bellwether
Day 1 of asking about the never beast
Luca,Alberto,and Giulia (concept 3 )
First character concept (unlikely)
Phineas and ferb Candace Flynn concept
Phineas and ferb Candace Flynn concept
Billy dilly count wretcher concept
Billy dilly subterranean summer bill dilly concept
Daisy Duck hero concept my version
.GIFfany Concept Gravity Falls
Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Luca Giulia and Alberto (Likely Concept)
Shadowmoth hero concept
Luca Concept
That one cheese guy from A Goofy Movie
Skylar (Girl Vs Monster concept)
Blossom is coming? (Conpect)
Pacha and Kuzko (Hero Concept)
Pacha and Kuzko (Hero Concept)
Lilo is bound to be a character in this game
Luca and alberto concept
Likely concept - Mr and Mrs Potato Head (Collab with JangoMaster)
Proven Professor (Byleth Hero Concept)
If fall guys was in Disney heroes (charater #1)
Hero Concept 01 - Wander & Sylvia
Snow white concept suggestion
Prince of Askr (Alfonse Hero Concept)
The 1973 baddie
Un dragón codicioso
Martian of Toy story in the game
Pongo and Perdita,tramp hero concept suggestion
Boun likely concept raya and the last dragon
Tempest shadow concept
Yang (Yin Yang Yo)
A Super-Powered Mind and a Mechanical Canine (unlikely concept)
Part of Our World - Ariel concept (The Little Mermaid)
Lou short film character hero concept
Lou short film character hero concept
Ariel concept 3
Hero idea bolt rework
Hello, I am new to the forums
King Candy (Idea)
Oh yeah Luigi time.Luigi concept
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Snow White Concept (#1)
Jack Brewer (Kickin’ It Hero Concept)
Beagle boys concept
Mega fredzilla likely HERO concept
Mega fredzilla likely HERO concept
Idea for Coldstone
Alastor from hazbin hotel
Alastor from hazbin hotel
Danger force
Another character idea chicken little
New character idea bolt
Tiana Hero Concept
I Need Help in My Concept Format
Gravity falls set
Ideas please for concepts
HENRY danger
Concepto de heroe Daisy
Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed Concept
Friend Land ideas part 38 info
Bing Bong (My First Hero Concept)
Adding Fred to DH:BM
Mother Gothel Idea
[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v2.0.1)
Adding GoGo from Big Hero 6
Pls add Fred from big hero six
Fred from big hero six
Barbie and Ken Hero concept
Lord Hater and Commander Peepers
Nega_duck concept
Amity Blight (Likely Concept)
Queen of Sweaters!
The Quintessence Guardian
CONTAINS NO SPECIMEN(my first concept updated)
I think that is would be bolt if he was in the game
Nothinh corner regret
The Lightning McQueen concept
The Lightning McQueen concept
Christmas was stolen by a green who(unlikely concept)
Bart Simpson concept
Ren and Stimpy
Mrs. Potato concept
What characters do you want in the game
Bob and Larry (unlikely concept.)
Raving rabbids (unlikely concept)
Hollywood Studios Concept Contest!
Steamboat Mickey Concept
My First Hero Concept!
Forky toy story 4
Ankain skywalker concept devoted to festive lucas 2020
The Hero Hating Hypnotist
The Hero Hating Hypnotist
Me! (please give me good feeedback)
Me! (please give me good feeedback)
A couple forgotten cartoons... (Concepts maybe likely)
Winnie pooh Owl
Dumpy de Winnie Pooh
Susan, Lucy, and Peter (Likely Concept)
Toph Hero Concept (from avatar the last airbender)
Flik (A Bug's Life) Hero Concept
Bowser junior concept
Tv show concept 7 number 158
Fear Concept deleted
And now a word from our sponsor (Liquidator Character Concept)
Honey lemon big hero six
The Concepts Bin of ScroogeMas
Super mario concept
Sam the Eagle Concept (Likely concept)
It's Playtime (Quackerjack Character Concept)
2nd bugs life concept the mini monarch
Chip y Chop
Up "Carl" Les gustara-They will like it
Bill Cipher Concept (Concept 1)
The King of Wakanda (Unlikely concept)
Audrey Desendants Concept
Concepts for concept makers
Heroes that should be
New hero (maybe)
Mal concept 2
Concept help
Ray Cocept⁸
Princess Aurora: Control Concept
627 concept
Taz concept unlikely
Porky pig unlikely concept
Next hero for the prize wall
Nostalgia inside out 2
Monster high cleo concept 2
Plants vs zombies heroes. Green shadow concept (UNLIKELY)
The escapee (concept)
(Post deleted)
Georgie (unlikely-ish hero concept)
(Post deleted)
Oswald the lucky rabbit skills
Judge claud frollo
Son of the Sea - Percy Jackson Likely(?) Hero Concept (#1)
103 Dalmatians concept
Senior Chang hero concept
Lilith Clawthorne and Hooty Character Concept
A Hero Concept
Grover (The Muppets)
Sam Eagle (likely concept)
Is this a really powerful strong hero? No, this is Patrick(unlikely hero)
The nightmare has begun when the shift has started(unlikely hero)🐻
Tow Mater The Concept
Beauty and the beast coat rack concept
Big Bad Wolf (Three Little Pigs) Hero Concept
Danny Phantom
I need help with concepts
Sephirot Hero Concept
Foxy Loxy (1943) hero concept
How to make concepts
This Fire in My Skin: Judge Claude Frollo (Likely Hero Concept)
Emperor Kuzco Concept
Luz for DHBM!
Character:Bandit and Bingo (unlikely hero concept)
Lupin III (lupin The Third Hero likely)
Concept:bluey (unlikely hero)
I need some help, how to make a concept?
The happiest sea Sponge! (Unlikely hero concept)

Can I show an example?

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Thanks for being willing to help! I think we are fine with examples for now as the guide has just been started, but if I can find another way for you to help, I will!

I think I know of a good section where I can put a concept of yours @Bunny_Cat . Could you send me a link to the concept you want to contribute in the guide? The one for my recent concept contest would be perfect!

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So you mean guidelines

Quick Tip: It is easy to show some originality in friendship disks. Original skills may take a little longer to develop, but to make a good one is worth it.

Both unnecessary and completely optional.


White skill needs an animation. While Green and Blue skill can be passive, like Anger. But a hero concept needs at least 3 attack animations: basic attack, white skill, and other skill (Green, Blue, or Purple)

Aladdin, Judy, Randall…

Might wanna specify more on purple skills

2 have to boost the main stats of a hero (Max HP, basic damage, skill power, armor, or reality). They must also rely on the red skill’s level to be upgraded. The 3rd boost can do the same as the other two or can boost a variable (not level) in another skill, and can be boosted by the red skill’s level itself or by skill power

Pro tip: You don’t have to follow formats of other forumers. Just find one that you are satisfied with and can be easily understood by others.


You could say that.

I will add that in to that section, thank you.

This is true, but some people may like to add it. I will mention it is optional.

I am not sure why you need to pick every little thing apart so quickly, especially word choice. I appreciate it a little, and I will change it to make it clear.

I will be covering this later.

I will be creating a section all about skills now that you mention this.

You are right I will put that in, as I was writing I did not think of that.

I was hinting to that. I will be sure to put that in.

I just created this, so it is in progress, and I will make sure to add those exceptions and info you mentioned.

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In DHBM, shielding counts as defending. Example: Baymax shields allies from attacks (he grants them shields). Goliath defends allies behind him by absorbing projectiles that may pass him

“Defend” just covers the purpose of Tanks more

This is true, then I will be sure to change it thank you!

@Filadae_Djaq I made the small changes you suggested. Thank you so much for helping me make this guide better. The only changes I have left out for now (because they will take longer to add) are the stuff you mentioned about purple skills, as they will get their own section. Do you think each skill should have a section? I want to here your thoughts.

No, but each one should have their own subheading.






You get the gist

Thanks pal.

If i may add, for friends, be sure to find two character that have the best chemistry with your character you are making a concept for. In other words: Find a character that might have something in common with your concept character.

Oh my g…thanks

@Imagineer_V can you make a guide for reading concepts too? I sometimes see feedback to first concepts and I’m thinking: “Wow, how can you be so nasty and rude to a person that has never made a Concept before…”
Greetings, Irrer Minnie! :kissing_heart:

You can put my Forky Konzept for horrible… :sweat_smile:And if u want my Yesss Concept or Mama Odie Concept for good work

No, better look at @Irrer_Minnie_VIII Esmeralda Concept (Requested by @Offizier_Lisa). It’s the most popular one.

Yes! OMG that is a great idea I think I will give it a section in this one! Of course I can use your Esmeralda as an example for something (I will be making more of the guide later and will do it then).

1 Like

I am planning on doing on section all about friendships now that you mention that. :wink:


Added Likely vs Unlikely and the Creative Process sections.

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If you want, you can take Frank N Furter
But if you already have another example, it’s good too

I am doing 1 example per person.

Yes, I can understand that!

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